*/ 3 years Ago: Earth Lost, Heaven Gained (15th October 2014)



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3 years Ago: Earth Lost, Heaven Gained (15th October 2014) Featured

15 Oct 2017
2975 times

Earth lost and heaven gained one of the greatest saints to walk this earth before God, Apostle Geoffrey D. Numbere (1944 - 2014).  "Brother Jeff", as he was affectionately called by my family was like a David/ Jonathan brother to me and was always considered as a beloved member of my family.  My church, my pulpit and my home were always his when he came to America.  He was never a "guest" - always part of our family.  He once said, "Brother Jim, I have slept above you, below you, and beside you.  He was beloved by our church family as well as by each congregation which he went to preach.  The men of Faith Chapel would squabble over which of them were privileged to drive him to his preaching assignment when I was unable to.

I will never forget the impact his life has made on me due to my several trips to Nigeria.  I was escorted like a king by a large entourage of cars to the home base.  On my first night there, Brother Jeff escorted me to a rather large, private bedroom with a huge bed in it.  I didn't realize until the next day that he and his several team members all slept on mats on the floor in the living room. It was during my first visit that I discovered fist hand a man so uniquely balanced in the qualities of humility, leadership, and anointing.  During my visits to the various rural churches and islands under such poor traveling conditions, the vision God had given to Apostle Numbere came to real life - you know, how God showed him millions of people over the world whose heads were bowed down and God had called him to lift them up.

I witnessed a man so totally surrendered to God, so close to His heart beat that in all of these poor, neglected, impoverished villages and islands he went to - he saw the people through the eyes of God.  Compassion filled his heart.  And although in their ignorance of the Gospel, they would persecute him - he was compelled to "Make Jesus known to them."  When he looked over a village as we came to share the Gospel, you could see the face of Jesus, and when he ministered to meet their needs, to break the chains Satan had imposed upon them, you saw the love and power of Jesus at work.  And to every village and island that we visited, no matter how poor the people were, how impoverished their situation or how small and rustic their church and primitive their ways - he was always so proud of each congregation and their pastors.

It was on my first visit to Nigeria in 1977 as I observed the extent of Geoffrey's ministry, that God quickened to my heart that what He had here was not simply a director or an evangelist - but a modern, true, full-fledged Apostle.  When I finally dared to share with the elders what God had shown me, I was greatly relieved to discover that what was revealed to me was simply a conformation of what they had already known but were afraid to share with their beloved leader.  I cannot express the humility I felt as the profound honor was granted to me to formally introduce to the world for the first time - APOSTLE GEOFFREY D. NUMBERE. Throughout the 35+ years I have known Apostle Numbere in which he has made several campaigns in the States and I to Nigeria, I have found a godly "friend that sticks closer than a brother."  Diana, my wife, and I have served on his Board of Trustees and he and Dr. Nonyem so honored us by having us present and me renewing their 25th Anniversary vows in 1998.  We were also honored by dedicating the new church in Ataba.

I marvel at the Apostle's impeccable integrity.  He never sought titles nor fame, nor position, not even a home for himself, nor even marriage and family for that matter.  His one goal in life was to Know Jesus and to Make Jesus Known.  Yet he has, without ever even asking, become perhaps the best extra-biblical example in the modern world of the truth of Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." 

Could one have been blessed with a more godly wife than Dr. Nonyem as a helpmeet as well as five precious and wonderful children - all serving God today?  And by the way, through his godly and powerfully exemplary life, he has certainly put to shame all of those Evangelicals including Pentecostals who simply have no place in their denominational structure for modern Apostles like the Apostle Paul.  Apostle Numbere also had a zeal for the Word.  All of his preaching was "Jesus".  And he stood - even if all alone - against false doctrine to defend the purity of truth. Apostle Numbere was a man of great discernment, wisdom and faith - was illustrated time after time as he dealt with impossible needs and spiritual crisis that arose, even in his own organization.  His leadership skills and structure of administration of Greater Evangelism World Crusade are seen in the ever expanding spread of the ministry.

Like the Apostle Paul, he was fearlessly courageous to obey and follow his calling.  Whether his challenge was fierce seas, angry juju priests, or the dangers and discomforts of travel and lodging quarters - he was faithful and without complaint.  He was a leader with a servant's heart, sleeping and eating right alongside the rest of his traveling evangelistic team. And like any true Apostle, perhaps his greatest test of character and temptation to become discouraged came from within - not without, where it was expected.  Some, whom he had trained, and had poured into their lives left for "greener pastures" or even exercised rebellion, while it broke his heart - it didn't break his spirit.  The Apostle had shared with me some of these situations.  yet despite the pain he experienced from these defections, Apostle Geoffrey D. Numbere never let bitterness or resentment get control of his soul.  There was no thought of retaliation.  The work of Greater Evangelism World Crusade was God's concern and he must keep his soul pure and undefiled, for the work must go on.

Diana and I will miss the precious personal times we shared with both Apostle Geoffrey and Dr. Nonyem.  His ministry has greatly enriched and impacted not only our family but also his Faith Chapel Family and the many churches in which he ministered.  Because of his life, I have been challenged and changed.  The Pierce Family and the Faith Chapel Fellowship stand faithfully with the Numbere Family and GEWC at this challenging and difficult time.  Our prayers are with you and together we will be strengthened in the Lord and continue the Vision God has set before us.

- Tribute by Pastor Jim and Diana Pierce (October 2014)

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