*/ 2018 New Year Service



2018 New Year Service Featured

10 Jan 2018
1807 times

The New Year communion service was the climax of the five (5) day retreat. The program as scheduled began by 10am. After the opening prayer, there was a wonderful session of praise and worship. There was also time for testimonies as brethren testified of God’s goodness towards them. One of such testimonies was given by Pst (Mrs.) Comfort Udoh who was healed after partaking in holy communion constantly for a period of time. She had pains in her bones and had been told by the doctor that it would be part of her everyday life. She was literally at the mercy of her young child and husband. However, in spite of the doctor’s report, God in His infinite mercies decided to heal her God is indeed a great healer. We also had another testimony by Pastor Lizzy who, incidentally was celebrating her 18th spiritual birthday. Her life in itself is a miracle because she was conceived by her mother, contrary to the doctor’s report. She testified of how she had a “circumcision of the heart” on the 31st of December 1998 at about 2am. God took away her stony heart and gave her a heart of flesh.

The sermon was taken by our father the international director, Pst Isaac V. Olori. He took us to Isaiah 60:1-3, which as he stated, is God’s word to the ministry of Greater Evangelism World Crusade for the year 2018. Speaking, he said if God has given us the injunction to arise and shine, it is because we have the ability to do so. He is not tyrant and as such, will not require of us that which we are unable to do. It is therefore pertinent that we come to terms with the truth that we have the ability to arise and shine forth. Speaking also, he drew our attention to the theme of the ministry for this year, which is “Giving ourselves unto the ministry of the word and of prayer”. He said that it is impossible for one to give him/herself to the ministry of the word and prayer and not shine. Shining is therefore a by-product of giving ourselves to the ministry of the word and prayer. The Bible tells us that the reason we’re to shine is because our light has come and when light comes, darkness disappears. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus was speaking to his followers (Christians by extension). He addresses us as the light of the world. As Nigerians, we know how important light is to us. We’re faced with the problem of incessant power outage and so the restoration of power comes with joy. Jesus was in essence telling us that we are like “NEPA” of our world; the PHCN; PHED, wherever we find ourselves, we are in charge of ensuring that darkness is kept at bay. As a Christian, if there is darkness where you are, you are responsible for it. It’s high time we quit complaining about the darkness and started shinning instead. We’re given the injunction to allow our lights shine so much that men have no option but to glorify God. We owe it to God to bring Him glory. As a matter of fact, by God’s design, we should bring him glory. We need to take stock of our lives and ask ourselves, “Was God glorified through me in the previous year?”, “What feat did God accomplish through me for the kingdom in the previous year?” In this New Year, we must resolve to bring God glory. Anything given us by God that doesn’t serve the kingdom and bring God glory is being misused and abused. Decide that you will not be an abuser of God’s blessings!

Furthermore, he stated that the revelation of the Word of God is one way through which we can receive illumination and therefore shine. II Corinthians 3:18 talks about how we, by beholding the glory of God, are also made reflectors of same glory. However, it is important we note that, we must come with our faces “open” and unmasked. Some people go before God’s presence, but they go masked and as such, they become impervious to the Word. But when we allow God’s Word to penetrate our lives, we will be transformed and we’ll become reflectors of His glory; we begin to look like Jesus. Also, in Acts 7:25, we are told of Stephen who with his eyes steadfastly looking into heaven, beheld God’s glory. In the same vein, as we choose to focus on God, we’ll behold his glory. We must be careful to note that the glory isn’t ours, as a matter of fact, the glory belongs to God, and we are reflectors of his glory.

Finally, he said that although darkness is everywhere, for us as children of God, our case is different. An exception is made for us. While darkness engulfs the world, a promise of light is given us. Just like the children of Israel were in light in the land of Goshen, including the smallest and lowest slave, while even Pharaoh remained in darkness, God gives a promise of light to every one of us. He also stated that the command to arise means that we have been sleeping, sitting or been in a state of inactivity. For those of us in this category, the Lord calls us to arise. For those of us have been up and about already, the Lord calls us to come higher. Set your heart upon serving God in this year, He will take care of you.

The New Year service also saw the launch and dedication of the ministry’s 2018 calendar, and for the first time, a daily planner also. There is also, a table top size of the calendar, this is also a first. All of this is courtesy of the Greater Evangelism Women Fellowship International (GEWFI).

The communion service, which has become our New Year tradition began soon after. A teaching was given by the International Director to prepare our minds. He spoke briefly from Exodus 12. Speaking, he showed us that, the communion is the Old Testament equivalent of the Passover feast. The Passover was to act as a covering; protection from the plagues to the Israelites, we also have this covering in the communion table. The communion table is also a table of fellowship (I Corinthian 10:18-20). When we eat the communion, we fellowship with God. This, was indeed a beautiful way to begin the New Year; fellowshipping with God.

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