*/ ACTIVATING THE POWER OF YOUR CLOSET – April 2021 Healing Service



ACTIVATING THE POWER OF YOUR CLOSET – April 2021 Healing Service Featured

22 Apr 2021
1126 times

It was with great joy that we gathered together for the April healing service. With soul lifting praise and worship songs led by the Jubilee Voices, we gave thanks to God for His unending mercies. It was also a time of great rejoicing as we celebrated the 60th birthday of our leader, Pastor Isaac Olori, the International Director, Greater Evangelism World Crusade.

The Lord spoke to us through His servant, Pastor Isaac Olori on the topic "Activating the Power of Your Closet"   (Psalm 91:1).

To help us understand the closet experience, Pastor Isaac Olori gave various examples. First is the human conception and birth process, stating that every man before birth goes through the closet stage in the womb for the period of nine months where the child is formed and develops into a full human. Secondly, is the transformation of the caterpillar in the cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly. This is well illustrated in The Butterfly Christian by Apostle G. D Numbere (of blessed memory).

Another example was the temple in the Old Testament which had the outer court, the holy place and the Holies of Holies. However, even though these “chambers” were part of the temple, anyone who wanted to encounter God had to go beyond the outer court into holies of holies (closet).

He further explained that the closet is a place of privacy, and whatever blessings we attract as believers will be as a result of our secret prayers and service to God.

Highlighting Matthew 6:6, Pastor Isaac Olori said that

  • Prayer is a closet affair, that is, the personal time you spend communicating with God. These are not the prayers done in public but those done in your closet.
  • Your inner life (what you do in secret) determines the outcome of your outer life.
  • Jesus advised to “shut the door”. This refers to the inner shutting of the heart to external distractions and challenges that disconnect you from God.
  • Approach God as your Father in your closet.
  • As you relate to God in your closet, growth in other areas such as giving, service takes place.

Concluding with the examples of Daniel (Daniel 6:10) who had an active closet that is, prayer life, Jehu (2 Kings 9:2-3) who was anointed in the secret place and the widow (2 Kings 4:1 – 7) who had to go into her home to pour out the oil, he stressed that an active personal prayer life is the solution to surmounting challenges, receiving the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and experiencing God’s hand in all aspects of our lives.

He urged everyone to make it a habit to consciously and constantly seek God in our private corners.

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