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Curabitur ultrices commodo magna, ac semper risus molestie vestibulum. Aenean commodo nibh non dui adipiscing rhoncus.

With God nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible. The 2022 March healing service was packed and accompanied with great power and the glory of God was seen in full. Praises of joy flowed from the brethren as we worshiped God in songs.

We heard several testimonies from our brethren. Bro. Kingsley testified of God’s miraculous intervention. He stated that he has been married for eight years without a child and God miraculously gave him one. Mr. Confidence of Bayelsa State testified how he had been oppressed in his dreams for a while. During the Divine Visitation Crusade, held in Bayelsa, while passing through the crusade venue, a word of knowledge came from the International Director, that the oppression in the dream was over. He heard the word, received it and that was the end of his oppression. He has been able to sleep well since then. Barrister Jessica West testified that her son was almost lifeless. He was taken to several hospitals, given oxygen and medication to no avail. To the glory of God, during the same Crusade in Bayelsa, the Word of God came through God’s servant, declaring life to a breathless child and God restored his life. Glory to God!

We received the word of God through the National minister of Greater Evangelism World Crusade, Ghana and Benin republic Missions, Evangelist Princewill Nkiri. He spoke on the topic, “It is possible” (Luke 1:26-38). Elaborating on the story of the divine visitation of Mary (the mother of Jesus), he said that despite the “despised status” of Nazareth, that was where Jesus our Lord came from (John 1:46). This is because God is not concerned about your status but uses the foolish things to confound the wise. He described the word ‘possible’ as capable of being done. Sometimes situations and opinions can make us believe certain things are impossible. Despite this, we must remember that with God all things are possible. All we need is Jesus in our lives.

As we continue the countdown to 50, Pastor Isaac Olori, and the Ministry of Greater Evangelism World Crusade begins the 2022 Crusades in Bayelsa State, Nigeria from 4th to 6th March 2022. Glory to God!

It was in March 1973, the field team, led by Apostle Geoffrey D. Numbere (of blessed memory), set out to the field, systematically reaching out to every village and community in Bayelsa and Rivers State in Nigeria. No community was too remote and despite the harsh conditions, they reached out to every one and won souls for the Lord. Excepts from “A Man and A Vision, a Biography of Apostle Geoffrey D. Numbere" below.



…He got a map of the old Rivers State (now Rivers and Bayelsa States), and on 9th March, 1973, with his team of dedicated young men, women, boys and girls; he set out for a systematic evangelization of the whole area. The field team consisted of a few volunteers who were convinced that God had called them into the Field. … As time went on, more people joined them in obedience to the call of God. Amidst much persecution, opposition and difficulties these brave young men and women moved to every nook and cranny, to the downtrodden, underprivileged and forgotten people of the numerous islands and villages of Rivers and Bayelsa States.

It is difficult for one who does not know the topography of the Rivers and Bayelsa States to appreciate the hazards involved in those journeys. These two states are situated in the Eastern Delta of River Niger. The northern part often referred to as the upland region is made up of small towns and villages most of which are interspaced between thick equatorial forests. There were hardly any roads so that many of the villages were virtually inaccessible. The south, which is the Delta proper, consists of several hundred islands, with creeks running in between mangrove swamps and rivers and seas emptying into the Atlantic Ocean…

When Apostle Numbere started his missionary efforts, Nigeria was still in the immediate post-war era. Generally, the few roads that had been there had all broken down and were mere dirt tracks, which were usually muddy and impassable during the rainy season. The suburbs of Port Harcourt namely, Nkpogu, Elekahia, Rumuomasi, Rumubiakani, Rainbow Town, Rumuokwurushi and others, were not the towns they are today. They were villages and were hardly accessible. Even in Port Harcourt, the State capital, most of the roads were in a terrible state. You can imagine what it was like to travel in the State.

The situation was worse in the riverine areas. Transportation was still very much clumsy and expensive like it was in Numbere‟s childhood days. There were no bridges linking one island to the other so that the only means of transportation was by water using hand pulled canoes. A few years later came the era of speedboats which are still available till date. But these
speedboats are nowhere near the boats used in technologically advanced countries. The real engine-boats and sea-trucks are so expensive that they can only be owned by oil companies and the Government. The Nigerian speedboats are open boats and whenever it rains, passengers are covered with a big tarpaulin (canvass) sheet while the driver puts on a raincoat and stands in the rain to manoeuvre the boat. Those sitting at the sides of the boat would then hold the sheet down while the rest of the passengers would push it up with their hands so that they would not suffocate. They would then travel covered up like cargo and at the mercy of the driver, the only one seeing where they are going.

(Culled from “A Man and A Vision” a Biography of Apostle Geoffrey D. Numbere, by Pastor Nonyem E. Numbere)



…Some days later the Lord gave the motto, “TO KNOW JESUS AND TO MAKE JESUS KNOWN” to Apostle Numbere. And precisely on the 6th of December 1972, he was on his knees praying when the Lord gave him the emblem of the Ministry. – THE GLOBE (THE WORLD) WITH THE CROSS-SPANNING IT AND DROPPING ON AFRICA WITH NIGERIA IN THE CENTRE….

The Vision of the Ministry was clear - Greater Evangelism was to have three main phases in her Mission. The Ministry was to span over Nigeria, Africa, and the rest of the world.

(Culled from “A Man and A Vision” – Biography of Apostle Geoffrey D. Numbere” by Pastor Nonyem E. Numbere)


GEWC@50! 6 months to go!

“Greater Evangelism Crusade! Greater Evangelism Crusade!! Greater Evangelism Crusade!!!”

It was a shout that rent the air, piercing through the darkness, and announcing good news to all.

It was a shout that announced the arrival of the rescue boat that would raise the faces of people to God.

It is a shout that still rings, declaring salvation, deliverance, healing and liberation to the whole world!

Sound the alarm, GREATER EVANGELISM WORLD CRUSADE will be 50 years.

7 months to go!

It is indeed great, spending time with the Almighty God. The second day of the “Recharge” Summit held on Thursday, 30th December 2021 with soul lifting praise and worship as well as Bible Study.

Pastor Isaac Olori (International Director, GEWC) spoke on the theme, “The Glorious Church” (Ephesians 5:25-27). He stated that the primary purpose why Christ came, died and resurrected was to prepare for Himself a glorious church where the Church is the assembly of believers.

Going further, he said that Paul referred to the Church as the bride of Jesus Christ hence we, as believers are that bride in the making, while God is the King, preparing the marriage feast for His Son (Matthew 22:2). Elaborating on the euphoria, expectations and preparations of a couple for their wedding, in the same vein, he said, we must be prepared as the bride of Christ for the marriage supper of the Lamb (2 Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 19:7-9, Isaiah 54:5). We must live in expectation of that marriage.

Being glorious is to be held in honor, gorgeous, shining brilliantly in majesty . We must also be in the right wedding garment and be glorious from the inside to the outside. (Matthew 22:2, (Psalm 45:13).

He further spoke on the characteristics of the Glorious Church.

  1. Purity and power: A Glorious Church is a pure church and purity produces power. We must examine ourselves according to the standards of the Bridegroom (Ephesians 4:13-14).
  2.  No Spot: A Glorious Church is one without spots. Spot refers to any impurity derived from sin. The glorious Church must be unspotted from the world.
  3.  No wrinkles: A wrinkle is a deformity as a result of decay. We must remain fresh spiritually and Christ has everything that can keep us spiritually fresh (James 1:27).





31 Dec 2021


What a refreshing time in God’s presence as “Recharge 2021” kicked off on Wednesday, 29th December 2021. The theme for this event is “The Glorious Church”.

Laying the foundation was Pastor Isaac Olori (International Director, GEWC) on the topic “Recharge Your Spirit Man” (Isaiah 40:27-31). He defined recharge as to refresh,  renew, reenergize,  revive  and restore. He also stated that the length you will go in life, pursuit or career is determined by the amount of energy you carry within. Furthermore, for any energy to be sustainable (whether in the physical or spirit), it must have a source of recharge.

He used several examples to illustrate that whatever is not rechargeable can get exhausted. An example is the battery of  mobile phones which is recharged at least every other day. He stated that many  care for the physical battery of their phones but do not care about their “spiritual battery” which is the spirit man.

Going further, he stated that anyone can faint or be weak whether you are God’s servant like Elijah (1 Kings 19) or a youth (Isaiah 40:30), which is why it is vital to take  timeout to recharge. Below are more highlights of his talk.

Signs of being weak (Psalm 63:1-2)

  1. Loss of relationship with God
  2. Disorientation

Causes of weakness

  1. Sin  which breaks our relationship with God.
  2. Double mindedness
  3. Walking in the flesh
  4. Lack of spiritual Sabbath where you give up on physical activities to seek God’s face.

Other causes of weakness are pain, sickness, mental and emotional stress, challenges, unfulfilled dreams, vision etc. (1 Kings 19:1-5, 9).

How to recharge your spirit man (2 Corinthians 4:5, Colossians 3:10)

  1. Renew your faith
  2. Renew your hope
  3. Renew your mind


The death of a saint brings pleasure to God for "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints". Therefore, I do not fear death. – Apostle G. D. Numbere.

Exactly 7 years ago, Apostle Geoffrey D. Numbere answered another call, the call to glory! As we remember, we celebrate the gift, the missionary and the icon who gave up all, pursued the vision of lost souls, and fulfilled his mission.

We celebrate a great man, a trail blazer, a lover of God, a man who feared no man except God, a man who was dogged preaching one thing: Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We celebrate a man who loved his wife, his children and grandchildren. We celebrate a man who loved God and His people passionately. Your words still echo and will forever echo in our hearts.

In memory of his legacy, we bring to you Family Devotional Series. Everyday at 5am, Apostle Numbere’s home would start the day with devotion. These devotions were special. In sequential order, they studied the Bible from Genesis to Revelation several times. After his children shared lessons learned, Apostle Numbere would expound those scriptures. For the first time, from his archives, we share with you  some of these precious moments on YouTube @gewconline. 

Rest on Servant of Christ, until we meet to part no more!