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Welcome to 51st Anniversary of the Ministry: Another Year of Making Jesus Known.
It has been over half a century of breaking through the darkness of our region with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. As we reflect over the past we must gear up to the challenge of making the Vision count for our generation.
Pastor Isaac V. Olori (International Director, GEWC)
In commemoration of the 51st Anniversary of Greater Evangelism World Crusade, Jubilee Voices, the mass choir of GEWC releases new single, "GEWC Old School Medley 2.
It is a medley of some choruses that were sung from the past and through the 51 years of the Ministry. Happy 51st Anniversary, GEWC! Featuring are: Happiness Francis, Daniel Osuwa and Barivure Love.
Download music here:
Owa o Bari zaa, Barizaa
Oma Barizaa (4x)
(Sing the goodness of the Lord)
I am going higher, yes I am, I am going higher someday
I am going higher, yes I am, going with Jesus to stay
I am going above the shadows, into the presence of God
Into the presence of Jesus, I am going higher someday
I am going higher some day (going higher)
I am going higher some day
Only Jesus can save, Only Jesus can save, Halleluyah!
Come nearer, come and see the Lord, Come and see the Lord!
Ag ma turu Chineke
(I will give God all the glory)
Mma ma Onye we anyi Imela
(He who owns us, thank you)
Za gai Za gai Me kpo ta lo zor eh
(Tread on him, the devil is defeated)
Hosanna de ne nwi David
(Hosanna to the Son of David)
The 2023 May Central Healing service was marked with God’s abiding presence and overflowing aura of love. Praise and thanksgiving from the hearts of grateful people flowed.
We received a testimony of God’s power to save. Pastor Love Francis Eremasi testified how God delivered her daughter from the hands of kidnappers. Her daughter who returned to Nigeria from Ghana for the New Year celebration was kidnapped and was to be killed by ritualists for her body parts. However, she was rejected by the native doctor at the shrine who screamed that she had a mark on her. With God’s intervention, she was released by one of the kidnappers. Glory to God.
God’s undisputed truth was brought to us by Pastor. Isaac Olori, International Director, Greater Evangelism World Crusade. He spoke on the theme, Understanding the Depth of God’s Love (Ephesians 3:17-20).
In line with the theme of the ministry for the year “Enlargement”, Pastor Olori stated that love, is the grace that ushers enlargement.
From our text, Paul, desired that we understood how vast God’s love it in dimensions (length, breadth, height), and the Psalmist, went further in Psalms 103:11-12 with detailed measurements – God’s love is as high as the heavens are from the earth. As at today, no one knows those dimensions.
Emphasizing on John 3:16, we find that;
- God’s love has no discrimination. Anyone can fit in. His love cuts across tribe, race, culture, class and even gender. It can accommodate everyone.
- The measure of love is determined by what you give up. God gave up his son.
- God placed so much value on us, that he gave His Son, Jesus Christ for us.
- For the sake of God’s love, we would not perish. If we perish, it would be our fault.
We also find that God’s love gives certainty for eternal life (John 10:28)
Reference also placed on 1 John 3:1, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, we also find that God has lavished so much love on us, most importantly, making us his children, despite what we have been before. We see in Hebrews 11:31, that despite Rahab being a harlot, she obtained love from God and was even one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ. We should also note that there is a relationship between our depth in God’s love and how much of Christ has taken possession of us.
Pastor Isaac Olori also referred to Romans 8:31-39. He expounded that God’s love does not mean we would live problem free lives, but in all, we are more than conquerors which is more than just obtaining victory.
We also see in 2 Corinthians 5:13-14, that our lives are to be physical expressions of God’s love.
- God’s love makes us not to live as ordinary men. To men, it would be that we are out of our mind.
- His love constrains us, compels, and takes full hold of us.
In conclusion, he stressed that when God’s love takes over us, we have no option than to totally surrender to Him. His love guarantees everlasting life. May we understand the depths of God’s love for us.
The 2023 March Healing Service of Greater Evangelism World Crusade was characterized with the flow of God’s glory and power in His presence, as we praised God in songs and with a joyful heart.
We received testimonies of God’s awesomeness from Pastor. Dr. Mesua N. Wilson, the District Administrator of Rivers District 4. He testified of how God healed him and restored his life. He ate at a meeting he attended and after that, had pains in his stomach, it became severe, he was admitted at a hospital. Treatments were administered, but at a point, he became unconscious. Prayers were made and the Lord restored his life and healed him.
We received God’s undiluted word from Pastor Isaac Olori, the International Director of Greater Evangelism World Crusade. He spoke on the topic The Power of Faith (Mark 11:22-24)
He explained that no man can truly enlarge without faith, stating that faith is one of the measures of our spiritual capacity, a determinant of our ability to receive from God and to do things. It is a measure or condition for victory.
Pastor Olori emphasized that if you take away faith, a Christian cannot survive (Romans 1:17)
With reference also to Ephesians 6:11, he explained that faith is the armor to quench the fiery darts of the wicked. When we engage in faith, we cause the power of God to take effect. He said there could be other things we could have faith in, but Jesus admonishes us to have faith in God. Having faith in any other thing or even a man of God without reverence to God, would cause us to be limited.
What aspect of God should we have faith in?
- His personality- He is our father.
- His word (Isaiah 55:11)
- His power
- His purpose or will (Romans 8:28)
Pastor Olori used Hebrews 11:3 to explain that having a thorough understanding of how God works is a product of faith. When we walk by faith, the word of God fashions our world. Every word of God is a word of faith (Genesis 1:2-3)
Placing emphasis on Mark 11:23, he stated that;.
- Anybody can walk by faith.
- The issue of faith is not about quantity but quality just like the mustard seed (Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6)
- Faith must be engaged for enlargement.
- Doubt cripples a man and should be dealt with (James 1:6-8)
Using the story of the three Hebrews boys in Daniel 3:16-18; 11:32 and that of the crippled man at Lystra in Acts 14:8-10, Pastor Olori also pointed out that faith tells of God’s ability, and we should always endeavor to speak the word of faith (Hebrews 4:2)
In conclusion, he enjoined us to live by faith in God and that we can only live by faith when we have been crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20)
The end of year retreat of Greater Evangelism World Crusade with the theme Enlargement, commenced on the 29th December 2022. The glory of God was in His temple as we offered praises to him.
We received the first talk from our father, the International Director, Pastor Isaac Olori. He spoke on the theme: Enlargement ( Isaiah 54:1-3)
He described enlargement as a means of making something bigger, to extend, grow, increase, magnify, build up, spread out, stretch beyond limit to break forth, prosper and excel. One of the evidence of the glory of the latter house, is enlargement, and it is possible on every side; spiritually, physically, financially and socially. It involves an all-sphere increase.
He made reference to Samuel (1 Samuel 2:26) and Jesus Christ (Luke 2:40,52) who showed enlargement while on earth. He explained that the seed of enlargement comes from the spiritual and in both cases, as they enlarged, it affected their relationship with God and men. He equally emphasized that enlargement would position us for grace.
Pastor Olori also stated emphatically that God’s mind is for us to multiply (3 John 1:2, Jeremiah 30:19). With further emphasis to Job 8:7, he stated that there is nothing wrong with starting small, but there is everything wrong with remaining small, thus the need to enlarge.
Other highlights from his message are found below:
Potentials for Enlargement (The Enlargement Mandate: Genesis 1:26 – 28)
- There is something you carry. Every enlargement is a product of a seed. That seed is the image of God you carry.
- There is a blessing. God blessed man at the beginning and gave the mandate to be fruitful and multiply that is enlarge.
- There is the God Factor. Every enlargement is brought about by the God-Factor (Job 8:7)
The Mustard Seed Principle ( Matthew 13:31-32)
The mustard seed is a perfect example that no matter how small a thing is, it has the capacity to enlarge. It is physically about 1 -2 mm in size but when it grows it has the capacity to grow up to 15ft.
Characteristics of the mustard seed
- It is tenacious. It can survive in difficult circumstances
- It cannot be made into an hybrid. It maintains its identity
- It grows large enough to provide shelter for birds. Our enlargement should serve a purpose. It must provide an environment for people to find succor.
Two things critical for enlargement
- The place of planting (Psalm 92:13)
- The planter.
Concluding, Pastor Isaac Olori said, God is the God of enlargement (Ezekiel 17:22-24) and is interested in our enlargement. We must therefore yield to God for this enlargement.
Exactly today, 9th September 1972, shouts of “GREATER EVANGELISM CRUSADE”, “GREATER EVANGELISM CRUSADE”, “GREATER EVANGELISM CRUSADE”, announced the birth of not just a Ministry but a Vision. A Vision to reach everyone, everywhere with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
50 years today, as we thank God for the millions of lives that have been saved, we are sure that “The Glory of the Latter, shall be greater than the former”.
Happy 50th Anniversary, GEWC.
The August healing service of the Greater Evangelism World Crusade was filled to its peak with the awesome power of God and with praises from the hearts of grateful believers.
We heard testimonies of God’s awesomeness. Sis. Happiness Eyor testified of how God healed her of severe heart palpitations after the October healing service. Sis. Happiness Henry also testified of how God also healed her of terrible pains in her stomach, during the Port Harcourt Divine Visitation Crusade. Sis. Dennis testified of how God miraculously gifted her with a baby after complications from an accident. Our God is indeed wonderful.
We received the glorious word of God, this time from the Chief Missions Coordinator, Evangelist Victor Ejimadu. He spoke on the theme Discovering true rest ( Matthew 11:25-30). He described rest as a state where one is free from labor, hardship, struggle, stress, where one is able to recover strength and has peace of mind and spirit. He went on to say that in life, there can be struggles and hurdles but there should also be a time of rest.
Taking further insight from our main text, Evangelist. Victor Ejimadu said that the only way we can have rest is to come to Jesus, He is the one and ultimate source of rest. He explained that many people mistake coming to church but not coming to Jesus. Coming to church does not guarantee rest but coming to Jesus does.
Other highlights from the sermon are:
There are two dimensions of rest and ways to achieve them
- Rest given by Jesus (Matthew 11:28). This is rest given once one becomes born again. At the stage, we receive the love of God and find rest. We enter into a relationship with God and He saves us from destruction. Morality does not save and do not count when we have not received Jesus.
- Rest found by us in Jesus ( Matthew 11:29). This is rest we receive as we go into learning of Jesus. The amplified bible calls it walking and working with At this stage, we show our love for God, and also receive responsibility for service. A combination of relationship and responsibility for service takes us into higher rest.
This dimension of rest is achievable by:
- Dedication in our relationship with him
- Hunger for God (Matthew 5:6)
- Intentional study of God’s word
- Seeking the face of God (Exodus 33:13, Philippians 3:10)
In conclusion he said, deeper knowledge of God should be desired by believers, and this knowledge gives us boldness (Acts 4:13, Daniel 11:32, Mark 13:14). Are you need of rest? Are you tired? Are you frustrated? Only Jesus can give you rest. Come to him today.
The 50th Anniversary Celebration of Greater Evangelism World Crusade is approaching it's finale. Join us for any of these activities.
- Sunday, 4th September 2022 at GEWC, World Headquarters, Rukpoku
- Opening Ceremony - 10am
- Tehillah 9 (Music Concert) - 4.30pm
- Tuesday, 6th September 2022 at Faculty of Law Auditorium, Rivers State University, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt
- Colloquium, Documentary & Public Lecture - 2pm
- Wednesday, 7th to Saturday, 10th September 2022 at GEWC, World Headquarters, Rukpoku
- Teachings - 2pm daily
- Sunday, 11th September 2022 at GEWC, World Headquarters, Rukpoku
- Closing Ceremony - 9am
All programs will be livestreamed on, (audio only) and Facebook @gewconline.
International Press Conference Of The 50th Anniversary Celebration Of Greater Evangelism World Crusade Holding On Monday, 8th August 2022 At The World Headquarters, Rukpokwu, Rivers State, Nigeria. Press Briefing By The International Director Of Greater Evangelism World Crusade, Pastor Isaac V. Olori.
I want to welcome members of the press and the public to this International Press Conference organized by the Ministry of Greater Evangelism World Crusade to address the world as regards its 50th Anniversary Jubilee celebration.
Greater Evangelism World Crusade was founded on Saturday, 9th September 1972 during an all-night prayer meeting in Port Harcourt, the Capital City of Rivers State, Nigeria. The name, the logo, and the motto (To Know Jesus and to Make Jesus Known) were all given by the Lord through a vision. Amid much persecution, opposition and difficulties, the Ministry pioneered indigenous Pentecostal evangelism in old Rivers State (now Rivers and Bayelsa States) of Nigeria in the early 1970s.
The Founder and Pioneer International Director, Apostle Geoffrey Dabibi Numbere (1944-2014) was born again on Sunday, 11 May 1969 at the University of Ife, Ibadan Campus (now Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria) where he was then a student of Geology. On 3 March 1970, he received the call of God for full-time service through a Vision in which the Lord Jesus Christ took him up to three heavens and showed him crowds and crowds of perishing souls, with faces on the ground. The Lord commissioned him to go and lift the faces of those people to look up to Him and be saved. For these years, the thrust of Greater Evangelism World Crusade has been the virtually inaccessible Eastern Delta Region of Nigeria, reaching the unreached for Jesus Christ by taking the glorious gospel to the downtrodden, underprivileged, and forgotten people of the numerous islands and villages and those in the cities and towns of old Rivers State (now Rivers and Bayelsa States). By God’s grace, the Ministry has spread to various parts of Nigeria, Africa, the United Kingdom and USA. Greater Evangelism World Crusade has affected many lives, leading thousands, and thousands of people to salvation through Christ Jesus. In addition to preaching, we had published several Christian literature and literary documentation of the history of the Ministry which has provided knowledge of indigenous church history. The landmarks on the history of the Ministry have just be updated by the wife of the Founding International Director.
The Ministry had a transition of leadership upon the home going of the Founding International Director Apostle G.D. Numbere in 2014. I Pastor Isaac Olori was inaugurated as the International Director of the Ministry on Sunday 14th December 2014.
The Ministry has been transformed through the restructuring of her operational modalities for sustained growth and expansion capabilities in all the National and Foreign Missions. We have extended the frontiers of the television ministry through the platform of the Caught Up Television (CUTV) which is reaching many more souls in line with our Vision. In the same vein, the Ministry had enriched the devotional literature of Christians and non-Christians alike through the quarterly Greater Height Devotionals materials.
To Reach Everyone, Everywhere With The Glorious Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
To Know Jesus, and To Make Jesus Known.
- Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all Nations
- Teach people how to make Heaven by maturing them in faith and teaching them to live a Christ-like life
- Care for the total man through rural evangelism and community services.
And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family. Leviticus 25:10 Attaining fifty years is a major milestone in the life of any person or group of persons. In scriptures, the year of Jubilee, which came every 50th year, was a year of releasing God’s people from their debts, releasing all slaves, and returning property to who owned it (Lev. 25:1-13). It afforded everyone the chance to start the Jubilee year with a clean slate; as everyone was released from debt and slavery, and everyone had the privilege of entering into rest, God’s rest. Some of the specific benefits of the Jubilee year include:
- It was the year of atonement; the offender was forgiven irrespective of the offense.
- It brought about restoration. Everything that was lost was sure to be restored, debts were forgiven, slaves and the oppressed were declared free.
- It was a season of reconciliation between people and families and reconciling of people to God.
- It was a year of rest and acknowledgment of God’s provision. God proved to His people that He was their ultimate provider.
The takeaways of Jubilee are still very much relevant today. While the children of Israel had to wait every seven years or fifty years to experience their release from slavery and servitude, today we can experience our spiritual Jubilee every day and every moment. Jubilee was foreshadowing the work of the cross. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross provides the basis of Jubilee today. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He made provision for the relief of all spiritual debts and our slavery to sin. As we commemorate this spiritual milestone as a Ministry, our desire and task are to awaken the public to the Jubilee that Christ has accomplished for humanity.
We are celebrating our 50th Jubilee in appreciation to God who gave this Vision and sustained it till this time. In view of the myriads of challenges and oppositions faced, only God could have brought us to this point. He has been our help in ages past and He is our hope for years to come. As a Ministry, even with the home going of our Founding International Director, we have remained focused, reenergized, intact, and connected with the passion of fulfilling the mandate. We are also utilizing this celebration to renew our commitment to the Vision the Lord gave to us to lift the faces of people to look up to Him for their salvation through the preaching of the true Gospel.
Greater Evangelism World Crusade is God’s rescue boat to deliver people from the bondage of the devil by declaring the truth of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This we will do consistently as the Lord grants enablement because staying focused on this mission will afford us the opportunity to reenact our next phase as a Ministry.
Over the years, the Ministry of Greater Evangelism World Crusade has been mightily used by God to bring salvation and light to many people and communities. Greater Evangelism pioneered indigenous Pentecostalism in Rivers and Bayelsa states through its Gospel campaigns and outreaches of the 70’s and 80’s. Those were the periods when whole communities were under the darkness of idolatry and satanic bondages. Greater Evangelism was God’s instrument to deliver thousands and thousands of people from the slavery of sin and the devil. Our Founding International Director, Apostle Numbere and his team confronted the demons, darkness, and evil traditional practices of those days and won the victory for the Kingdom of God. Also, this Ministry was a vanguard to awaken the churches of those days from their slumber and cold religious nominalism and formalism. Apostle Numbere and his team saturated the city of Port Harcourt and its environs with the true gospel of Christ in the most charismatic manner with boldness and courage and turned the city upside down with their brand of “born-again” messages. Their preaching positively influenced the society and won many souls for God. Indeed, generations of believers have been raised through the Vision of this Ministry.
As a Ministry, we have invested not only preaching the true gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ but also in defending the purity of the gospel as given by Jesus Christ and His apostles. The menace of false prophets and teachers with false and/or half-truth are always present, but we are unrelenting in our resolve to contend for the faith by bringing to the fore the errors. The Ministry was and is still known for this and it is a tradition that will be maintained by every generation of this Ministry.
The Ministry was in the forefront of the advocacy of dismantling all forms of idolatry in the old Rivers State (now Rivers and Bayelsa States) as expressed in their monuments. This was achieved through the doggedness of the Ministry. Permit me to also emphasize the role Greater Evangelism World Crusade played in the salvation and spiritual development of the youths. Most of the first adherents of the message preached by Apostle Numbere were the youths and teenagers. These young ones were caught for Christ at an early stage and were great instrument in the hands of the Lord and blessings to the society rather than being nuisance to society. We make bold to say that there is hardly any Christian Ministry in Nigeria where you will not have a member that has be impacted by GEWC. In the same vein, the Ministry impacted several university campuses through the ministration of Apostle Numbere and presently, our campus Ministry, Greater Evangelism Campus Crusaders (GECC) is promoting values of righteousness among the student and staff population in many higher institutions in Nigeria and some African Countries. The impact is huge despite the cost to reach out to the youths of that generation and present to save them from eternal damnation and make them better citizens.
Our social responsibility in education is worthy of note, we have established schools with minimal charges for children of both the poor and well-to-do in various parts of the Country. The quality of these children in terms of academics and morals are phenomenal. We are a mission that cares for the total man as captured by our Mission Statement. For these fifty years of our existence, the Ministry has carried out other social interventions and community services to reach out to the deprived, hurting, and downtrodden.
The Ministry had always been faced with several societal challenges, at the beginning, we were confronted with idolatry, ungodly traditional practices, ignorance, etc. Presently, the society is inundated with new and complicated vices such as but not limited to:
- Security Concerns of kidnapping, armed bandits, ritual killings, armed robbery, etc
- Negative Internet activities and associated fraud
- Cultism and violent gangs in neighborhoods and communities
- Youthful lust which is copiously expressed in acts and art of pornography
- Drugs and substances addiction
- Unemployment
- Psychological and socially induced depression
- Increased false and heretic teachings in different forms and styles
- Religion without Transformation
- Dealing with the Information Age
We are poised to confront these societal challenges which indirectly affect the Church through our renewed commitment to preach the truth of God’s Word and raise advocacy to the political leaders to rise to the demand of governance in the Country and various states of the Nation.
The Ministry of GEWC is set to enter her new phase through concerted activities geared toward reversing the ugly trends in the society and remaining relevant to the new generation. The next phase of the Ministry will have the following engaging activities and operations:
- Strategic Evangelism and Mission Outreaches through Crusades in Cities and Communities to raise the spiritual consciousness of the people.
- Focusing on the young ones (Youths and Teenagers) through concerted discipleship programme and leadership capacity to raise godly leaders for the future.
- Full deployment of Hybrid (In-Persons and Virtual) Congregation in our Church structure and activities to enhance the dissemination of the Gospel to the nations of the world.
- Increased literature evangelism through the promotion of the Ministry’s Publications and materials in all available global platforms.
To commemorate our 50th Anniversary Jubilee celebration, we have lined up several impactful programmes which will culminate in the week of our Anniversary (4th to 11th September 2022).
These programmes begun in earnest with the “Divine Visitation” Crusades held in Rivers (Bonny, Ahoada, Bori, Port Harcourt) and Bayelsa states. These crusades were organized to win souls for God and renew the Ministry in a core aspect of its vision which is soulwinning. Also, there was the Anniversary Mega Rally which took place on Sunday, 31st July 2022 in Port Harcourt and other major cities where GEWC is represented. Indeed, it was colourful and joyous procession to sound the trumpet of our 50th Jubilee and create public awareness of the Ministry and the Anniversary.
Highlights of some of the events of the Anniversary week are:
- Opening Ceremony and Musical Concert ǀ Sunday September 4, 2022, ǀ GEWC World Headquarters, Rukpokwu, Rivers State.
- Colloquium, Documentary and Public Lecture ǀ Tuesday September 6, 2022, ǀ Faculty of Law Auditorium, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.
- Jesus Carnival ǀ Wednesday September 7, 2022, ǀ GEWC Headquarters Arena and designated Centres in Different Mission Areas.
- Special Convocation Ceremony of the Apostle G.D Numbere Bible College and Foundation Laying Ceremony of the Administrative Auditorium at Nonwa, Saturday, August 27, 2022.
- Thursday 8th September to Saturday 10th September 2022 ǀ Teachings, Seminars, and Talks by Seasoned Men of God.
- Closing Ceremony and Fundraising for the Apostle G.D Numbere Foundation ǀ Sunday September 11, 2022, ǀ GEWC World Headquarters.
I want to use this opportunity to invite the public to join us in our 50th Anniversary Jubilee celebrations. We are sounding the trumpet of Jubilee and calling everyone to come join us because God has a special Jubilee blessing for everyone.
Thank you and God bless you.
Pastor Isaac Olori (International Director (Greater Evangelism World Crusade)
Download Music
Watch Lyric Video HERE
Greater Evangelism World Crusade
50 years of victory
Making Jesus known everywhere
This is the year of Jubilee
Sound the alarm
Cry out aloud
Blow the trumpet (3x)
This is the year of Jubilee
Praise the Lord
Oh sing, oh sing, oh, praise the Lord
Written by Apostle G. D. Numbere, Tammy Ejimadu, DBF
Produced by Divine Basil Frank (DBF)