*/ Recharge 2022: Enlargement - Day 1



Recharge 2022: Enlargement - Day 1 Featured

31 Dec 2022
1268 times

The end of year retreat of Greater Evangelism World Crusade with the theme Enlargement, commenced on the 29th December 2022. The glory of God was in His temple as we offered praises to him.

We received the first talk from our father, the International Director, Pastor Isaac Olori. He spoke on the theme: Enlargement ( Isaiah 54:1-3)

He described enlargement as a means of making something bigger, to extend, grow, increase, magnify, build up, spread out, stretch beyond limit to break forth, prosper and excel. One of the evidence of the glory of the latter house, is enlargement, and it is possible on every side; spiritually, physically, financially and socially. It involves an all-sphere increase.

He made reference to Samuel (1 Samuel 2:26) and Jesus Christ (Luke 2:40,52) who showed enlargement while on earth.  He explained  that the seed of enlargement comes from the spiritual and in both cases, as they enlarged, it affected their relationship with God and men. He equally emphasized that enlargement would position us for grace.

Pastor Olori also stated emphatically that God’s mind is for us to multiply (3 John 1:2, Jeremiah 30:19). With further emphasis to Job 8:7, he stated that there is nothing wrong with starting small, but there is everything wrong with remaining small, thus the need to enlarge.

Other highlights from his message are found below:

Potentials for Enlargement (The Enlargement Mandate: Genesis 1:26 – 28)

  1. There is something you carry. Every enlargement is a product of a seed. That seed is the image of God you carry.
  2. There is a blessing. God blessed man at the beginning and gave the mandate to be fruitful and multiply that is enlarge.
  3. There is the God Factor. Every enlargement is brought about by the God-Factor (Job 8:7)

The Mustard Seed  Principle ( Matthew 13:31-32)

The mustard seed is a perfect example that no matter how small a thing is, it has the capacity to enlarge. It is physically about 1 -2 mm in size but when it grows it has the capacity to grow up to 15ft.

Characteristics of the mustard seed

  1. It is tenacious. It can survive in difficult circumstances
  2. It cannot be made into an hybrid. It maintains its identity
  3. It grows large enough to provide shelter for birds. Our enlargement should serve a purpose. It must provide an environment for people to find succor.

Two things critical for enlargement

  1. The place of planting (Psalm 92:13)
  2. The planter.

Concluding, Pastor Isaac Olori said, God is the God of enlargement (Ezekiel 17:22-24) and is interested in our enlargement. We must therefore yield to God for this enlargement.


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