*/ Disciples Indeed: 2016 End of Year Retreat (Day 1)



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Disciples Indeed: 2016 End of Year Retreat (Day 1) Featured

31 Dec 2016
2538 times

It was with great excitement and expectation, the 2016 End of Year Retreat kicked off on 29th December 2016 at the Greater Evangelism World Crusade World Headquarters, Rukpokwu.  Brethren came in from far and near and also some joined us online via our live streaming service. The International Director, Pastor Isaac Olori began the retreat by announcing the 2017 Theme as “Disciples Indeed”. He therefore began his series of teaching expounding the theme from John 8.

Excerpts of his talk below:

You cannot truly learn of Jesus when you are not yoked because there is still that fleshy liberty. Jesus instructed us to take His yoke and learn of Him. Then you will find rest for your soul. If this first issue of getting yoked is not taken care of, it will be difficult. When you are yoked with the Master, you are restrained to move just like Him.  A disciple is a follower of Jesus. Indeed means ‘in reality’. Disciples Indeed, implies you will be His disciples certainly. It also means there are some who claim to be disciples who are not. There are therefore fake disciples and genuine disciples.

Every human can be classified into three

  1. Those who do not pretend that they are not followers of Christ.
  2. Those who say they follow Him but have a surface/shallow connection therefore cannot sustain the relationship. They are not disciples indeed.
  3. Those who truly follow Him.

Five levels of followers

The level of followership determines the level of relationship

  1. The Multitude: means a large number of people, a crowd. They also followed Jesus while He was here on earth. They followed Him because of
  • Curiosity
  • Their needs (John 6:24 – 30, John 4)
  1. Believers: Those who relate with Him on the basis of faith. They believe in Him. At a certain time they must have surrendered their lives to Christ. However, they are not bold to stand and declare their faith. They are not willing to take the risk for Christ (John 6:60-66).
  2. Disciples: They follow because of their conviction. They are learning to know and become like Christ. If you are not a disciple, Jesus will not count you as His follower. Jesus focused on His disciples, not the crowd (John 6:67-70). The least level of followership is discipleship.
  3. The Twelve: These people have an unreserved allegiance to Jesus. They are ready to take a risk for Christ.
  4. Inner Circle: Jesus had Peter, James and John. At the mount of transfiguration, they were there. Before He was crucified, He took them aside to pray. These are the people who can share the burden of the Lord.

 Characteristics of fake disciples

  1. They have a false profession. Titus 1:16
  2. Disobedient to God’s word. Titus 1:16, Genesis 19:26, Lev 10:1, Numbers 20:11
  3. Matthew 7:3, Rom 2:21, James 3:10
  4. Only hearers, not doers. Luke 6:46-49
  5. Not ready to pay the price of following Jesus. Luke 9: 57-62, Matthew 8:19-22


Examples of fake disciples

  1. Judas Iscariot: John 6:70 – 71, John 12: 5-6
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