*/ The Blood of His Cross - 2017 Easter Retreat



The Blood of His Cross - 2017 Easter Retreat Featured

15 May 2017
1861 times

Easter is the announcement of victory, and as is our custom here at Greater Evangelism World Crusade, we had a retreat from Thursday, 13th April 2017 to Sunday, 16th April 2017 to celebrate this victory.

The only talk on Thursday was taken by the International Director GEWC, Pastor Isaac V. Olori. He spoke on the topic, “The Blood of His cross” (John 1:29-36), bringing our attention to the way John the Baptist addressed Jesus. He addressed Him as the “Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world”.  Excerpts of his teaching can be found below:

John’s introduction of Jesus is packed full of lessons. First, he calls our attention to Jesus by asking us to “behold”. To behold something means to look intently at it. John was asking us to place our focus on Jesus and off any other thing it has been on. One question to ponder on even in this season is, “who have I been looking up to and subsequently pointing men to as a child of God?”  In beholding the “Lamb of God’”, we come to some wonderful realizations, two of which are; Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God and this Lamb takes away the sin of not just one man or nation, but of the entire world. His was a sacrifice from which the whole world benefits. Talking about the Lamb of God might not mean much if we do not understand the importance of a sacrificial lamb. God’s relationship with Israel in time past was hinged on sacrifices. Going through the Old Testament, especially in Deuteronomy, Numbers and Leviticus, we see different sacrifices as prescribed by God for different reasons. These sacrifices were offered as often as the sin occurred. So God, in His mercies and “the great love where with he has loved us” in the person of Jesus, took care of our “sin problem” once and for all. He had the option of taking away of the sinner but His love for us constrained Him from doing so. Jesus became our Passover lamb, and in Him is protection from judgement. It is not enough to know that Jesus came to die for us, it is also important to know that His mission was successful. This is the highlight of Easter; that Jesus overcame death, hell and the grave. That the “sin problem” that plagued man previously has been taken care of once and for all.  The Lamb was victorious (Revelation 5:6-12, 12:11)!  The mission was accomplished!

Friday, Day 2 was a time for Bible study on the topic: “The Cost of Discipleship”. The congregants were divided into a number of classes to make it interactive. There was also a review of the book “Digging deep” authored by our founding father, Apostle Numbere (of blessed memory). Book Reviewer was Evangelist Lawrence Hart. He brought our attention to the fact that no building can exceed the capacity of its foundations. As Christians, the word of God ought to be our foundation and just as no sane man will build without laying his foundation deep in the ground, we also ought not to be satisfied with a shallow knowledge of the word of God. These lessons and more were drawn from the book “Digging deep”.

Teaching on Friday on “The Power of the Blood”, Pastor Isaac Olori highlighted that the blood with which we have been redeemed is far more valuable than any blood that has been shed or ever will be. Speaking further, he said, blood is for atonement (Leviticus 17:11) and can speak (Genesis 4:10, Hebrews 12:24). The blood of Jesus was the only blood that was qualified to wash us since it is the only sinless blood (Hebrews 9:14). It is indeed wonderful to know that there is no kind or amount of sin that the Blood of Jesus cannot handle. Jesus died the most derogatory death so that even the most derogatory sinner can be saved. No sin is greater than the blood.  Some benefits of the blood of Jesus are; it satisfied God’s requirement for our redemption, it restored our fellowship with God, bought us back and redeemed us from the slavery of sin and of the devil (Colossians 1:13). The blood of Jesus also purges our conscience, it sanctifies us (Hebrews 13:12), rescues us from sinful ways of life and gives us access to God’s presence. The blood of Jesus is all-sufficient!

On Saturday Day 3, we had the second and last bible study for the retreat on Saturday. In the spirit of Easter and the reminder of victory, which it brings, the bible study examined the topic “Victorious Christian living”. We were privileged to come under the tutelage of the wife of the founding international director and president of GEWFI, Pastor Nonyem Numbere. Teaching on the topic: “It is Finished”, she highlighted the seven last words of Jesus on the cross.

  1. Father forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34)
  2. Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)
  3. Woman, behold thy son! (John 19: 26 -27)
  4. Eloi eloi Lama Sabacthani (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34)
  5. I thirst (John 19:28)
  6. It is Finished (John 19:30)
  7. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit (Luke 23:46)

She emphasized the fact that for Jesus (being God), the act of giving up His ghost was a definitive act, he did it willingly for you and me. Putting the accounts of the gospels together, we see that Jesus cried out twice on the cross. The first was a cry of agony, loneliness and pain when He bore the sins of the world – Eloi Eloi Lama Sabacthani (My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me). The second cry however, was a cry of victory – It is Finished (John 19:30), and He meant it. As Christians therefore, we must place our faith in the finished work of Christ, not on men or symbols (oil, cloths threads etc). We must live a life of obedience to God and be willing to suffer for Him to achieve His purpose in our lives. Finally, we must appreciate God’s love and mercy, the victory of the Cross and also learn to exercise the authority that the victory afforded us.

The Easter Retreat climaxed on Sunday with testimonies and thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness. Thereafter, the entire congregation had a special thanksgiving, appreciating God for His faithfulness as well as the blessings of His death. The sermon, titled “Experiencing The Power Of His Resurrection” (Romans 8:11) was delivered by the International Director, Pastor Isaac V. Olori. The emphasis of the sermon was on the Spirit of God. Below are major highlights from the sermon.

  • The Spirit of God quickened the body of Jesus Christ from death and nothing; neither the grave nor death could stop Him. Hence if God’s Spirit dwells in you, He will give life to your body.
  • To be quickened in the spirit is victory, and as Christians, being quickened in the spirit is victory for us, as it gives us access to the fullness of God’s power. However, to have the fullness of the power of God, we must desire the quickening of the Spirit.
  • Heaven has a plan for everyone who is a child of God and we must understand the pre-determined counsel of God for our lives.
  • The level of power available to a believer is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and took Him to the right hand of God, and unless you have such power you are not in control.

In conclusion, the death of Christ is supposed to give us spiritual independence (Ephesians 2:5, 6). The Spirit of God came to lift us from the ordinary to the supernatural life and if we become instruments in the hands of God, He will renovate everything the enemy has spoilt. Also, when the Spirit of God comes inside a man, He destroys the power the enemy has over that man as well as revive and produce a new nature in him.


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