*/ 21st National Teachers Conference holds in Rivers State



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21st National Teachers Conference holds in Rivers State Featured

15 Jun 2017
1658 times

The Ministry of Greater Evangelism World Crusade acknowledges the fact that the youth are the leaders of tomorrow, the future of the world and the church, and as such have a place Teens and Children ministry high on their priority list. The teachers, custodians of the department, in keeping with this, held the 21st National Teachers conference at GEWC, Gream-Ama Church, Okirika. The program ran from the 4th through the 7th of May, 2017, with over 200 teachers in attendance.

The theme of the conference was “The Teacher As A Disciple Indeed” and some of the highlights include Bible studies, talks, seminars, workshops and lots more.

There were also talks during the conference. The first was handled by the General Superintendent of the department, Pastor Diseph Isikima. She spoke on the topic “The Lifestyle of a True Disciple”. She emphasized the fact that the lifestyle of true disciple always reflects Jesus Christ, regardless of the circumstances. Other talks were: “A Faithful Teacher as a Disciple Indeed” by Pastor Isaac Green, (Coordinator, Bayelsa State Teens fellowship), “The Importance of Report Writing and Record Keeping” by Evangelist Lawrence Hart amongst others. Seminars covered by Bro Yibo Koko and Pastor Inima Okpaku were “Understanding Children and Teenagers and How to Disciple Them in Today’s World and handling financial records as disciples.

The International Director, Pastor Isaac Olori, in his message to the conference, admonished them to set an example and be imitators of Christ. He highlighted that the precious jewels of God placed in their care are yawning earnestly for examples and models of this Christ which they are being taught.

Pastor Dr. Nonyem E. Numbere, The Overseer of the Children and Teenagers Department was present at the grand finale to encourage the teachers who she referred to as “factory workers” in the “Jesus Manufacturing Group of Companies”. In her keynote address, she highlighted the fact that teachers are the hands and feet that Jesus uses to manufacture His future battle axes (Psalm 8:2). Expounding on Ephesians 4:11 – 12, she told them that they have been given the gifts of pastoring and teaching children; pastors and teachers in a special class, a special call to mold and build children and teenagers so that when they are of age, they are ready materials for higher service. She also thanked them for their selfless service and asked them never to let the burden of the young ones leave them no matter the discouragement or challenges.

Concluding, she prayed that the Holy Spirit would water them, fill them to overflowing and give them more grace to fulfil their call.

Indeed, one cannot give out that which he/she does not possess. This conference has further equipped the teachers with the right knowledge to give out to the ones placed in their custody. 

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