*/ GEWC 3rd International Men’s Conference Holds in Port Harcourt, Rivers State



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GEWC 3rd International Men’s Conference Holds in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Featured

10 Jul 2017
2555 times

The 3rd International Men’s Conference of Greater Evangelism World Crusade was organized by the Greater Men’s Fellowship International (GMFI). The conference, which had its main theme as “Disciples Indeed” – John 8:31 was a four (4) days event held from Thursday 8th – Sunday 11th June, 2017 at Greater Evangelism World Crusade Club Road Church, #1 Club Road in Port Harcourt the Rivers State capital. The prestigious event attracted participants from all over the country including a few other countries where the Ministry of Greater Evangelism is situated. About 900 men were in attendance with 740 persons registered at the conference.

The conference uniquely featured a variety of Teachings, Talks, Seminars, Bible Studies, Power Night Prayers, Health Care/Fitness Training and General Elections of new Central Officers of the Fellowship. Some of the key Guest Speakers who featured were: the International Director, Pastor Isaac V. Olori; the President of the Women Fellowship International, Pastor Dr. (Mrs.) Nonyem E. Numbere; the Chairman Missions Board of GEWC, Pastor Achese Amadi; Pastor Gift E. Ejimadu; and the Bayelsa State Superintendent Minister, ably represented by the Bayelsa State East Men’s Chairman, Pastor Ivifiwol Lamech. The official opening ceremony kicked off on the Day 2 of the Conference being Friday 9th June, 2017. It wonderfully showcased a special Drama Presentation by the GMFI Theatre Group entitled, “My Dream of a Disciple Indeed”.

The outgoing GMFI President, Evangelist L. K. Amachree in his keynote address highlighted the four (4) cardinal objectives of the Fellowship, the foremost which was “To build the spiritual and material lives of the men so that they can become healthy and faithful husbands and fathers”. He further detailed out some of the breakthroughs and achievements made by his administration and challenged the incoming administration and the Fellowship to pull all resources together to ensure that the Ogun State Mission Project is realized before the 2017 International Ministers’ Conference.

Some of the talks and seminars given during the conference include “The GMFI Mission Project” by Pastor Achese Amadi, “Discipling Men for Maximum Impact on Church Growth” by Pastor Gift E. Ejimadu, Opening Charge on the theme by Pastor Ivifiwoi Lamech, “The Empowered Disciple" by Evangelist Progress Imiete, “The Essence of Discipleship Training” by Pastor Ebi Tuesday,  “A Disciple and His Attitude To Business” by Pastor Festus Ediae, “True and False Disciples” by Evangelist L. K. Amachree , “Healthy Living and Fitness for Disciples” by Dr. Leziga Kenanen amongst others.

Pastor Dr. Nonyem E. Numbere (President, GEWFI) was present during the conference and she gave a talk on “Dad the Family Coach – Discipling the Home”. In her talk, Pastor Dr. N. E. Numbere explained, that fathers are coordinators or mentors and the home was their first Parish because God has given them the leadership of the home in both spiritual and secular matters.

She emphatically stated that many fathers today are MIA (“Missing In Action”). They are too busy for their family, thereby leaving the children to look up to their mother as their leader. She narrated that 23% of Christian wives and mothers will help in leading their husbands and children to the Lord, but 94% of fathers will lead the entire family to Christ, thus showing the value fathers have as leaders at home. But the scenario today is a sad one there is either no leadership in the home or fathers have unwittingly (i.e. unknowingly, not deliberately) ceded leadership to mothers.

She expatiated on God’s role and character as a Father both to Jesus and to the believers; and God’s standards for fathers. She further charged the men to train their team (the family unit) diligently like a good coach would; carryout discipline whenever they have to; relax with their families, have family jokes; and to form the habit of blessing their families.

Some highlights of her talk:

God’s Standard For Fathers

  1. The priest of the home as spiritual leader and as intercessor (Genesis 18:22-23; 19:29; Job 1:5).
  2. Love your family –show love to them and teach them. Love your wife because how you treat your wife will affect your children in their character and in their relationship with you.
  3. Be a nursing father (Numbers 11:12). The concert of nursing is that of pregnancy and delivery. Which means a dad should be participatory even though it is the woman going through the actual process. So fathers should not leave the women to carry the burden alone. Be a nursing father while your wife is a nursing mother.

Responsibility of Fathers

  1. Train and train diligently like a good coach would (Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:6-9; 11:18-19)
    1. Teach and discuss spiritual and mundane things. It involves formal and informal training – when you are, walking by the way i.e. taking a stroll with your child; lying down – relax and play with your family; Sitting down – could also be family time; Rising up and also sitting down – family devotion
    2. Practical Christianity – Action speaks louder than word - Help your family love God, love the church and love other. Good Rapport - know your children one by one, their strengths, their weaknesses, help them build up their areas of strength or overcome their weak areas. Remember, “Word killeth, word maketh alive.” Practicality is essential – exemplify Christ in your life and your family will follow suit. The whole aim is to build up your children for the future including attaining heaven.
  2. Disciplinarian - Disciplining is a mark of sonship. It is mark of love and so should not be done with anger but with the aim of correction. You should spank him when necessary but not to physically hurt him/her (Proverbs 22:15; 23:13). Brutalizing your child in name of discipline physically or verbally is child abuse (Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews 12:5-11).
  3. Bless Your Family - As father and priest, form the habit of blessing your family while you are still alive. It is not only when you about to die that you will seek to bless them. You may not have that opportunity at the time of death. E.g. (2 Samuel 6:17-21)
  4. Accountability before God - You will be required to give account of your role as a father e.g. Eli was a priest and yet his children were “the sons of Belial”? (2 Samuel 2:12). Their punishment was visited upon their dad as well i.e. retributive justice. God regarded Eli as having committed the sins his sons did.

 On a final note she urged the men to aim, pray, and work to be a coach of a winning team.

The International Director, Pastor Isaac V. Olori at the climax of the event on Sunday 11th June, 2017 gave a message on what seem to be a summary of all that was treated at the conference. He spoke on the topic, “A Man after God’s own Heart”, cited from the bible book of Acts of the Apostles chapter 13, verse 32. He said when you talk of a disciple; you talk of a man after God’s heart. God testified about David that he was a man after His heart. God’s testimony is greater than any man’s testimony. God’s testimony about David was on account of his heart towards God. The International Director noted that this was why we need to examine our heart towards God. He further examined and expatiated on the nature of David’s heart towards God through the following point.

  1. David was a man that was loyal. If you must be a man after God’s heart you must be loyal (1 Samuel 24:4-5). David served King Saul until he was anointed and even when Saul was rejected David was still loyal. He did not take the law into his hands to kill Saul (1 Samuel 26:9).
  2. David had regard for the Anointing and by extension had regard for the anointed. If you want to be a man after God’s heart, you must learn to respect anointing (1 Samuel 24:6-7).
  3. David mourned for Saul. He never saw Saul as an enemy but saw him as his master. This is the type of heart God is looking for.
  4. David was patriotic. He was inspired by love for his country against Goliath and the Philistines (1 Samuel 27).
  5. David was gracious. There was grace in his heart (2 Samuel 1: 19-27). He was not revengeful, nor kept a record of offence.
  6. He was conscious of the name of God and the glory of God. (2 Samuel 1:20)
  7. He did not jump into power. He was anointed again the second time (2 Samuel 5:3). He waited to be raised up by legal means. He waited until God told him to go.
  8. David was a penitent man. He was not a perfect man but he knew how to be broken. (2 Samuel 12:13) God put away

Pastor Isaac V. Olori, in his conclusion said if you are a man God will use, you will be a man whose heart is upright all the time. Such is the man that can be a disciple indeed. God looked at all these things and called David a man after His own heart. A true disciple must be a man after God’s heart.

An election was carried out and a new Executive body put in place with Pastor Nonyem Nwokomah emerging as the new President of the Men’s Fellowship. He takes over from the outgoing President, Evang. Lolo Amachree and his team, after a meritorious service. After a brief charge to the new officers from the book of Matthew 20: 20-28, they were dedicated by the International Director, Pastor Isaac Olori.

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