*/ GEWC Women Fellowship holds Zonal Conference



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GEWC Women Fellowship holds Zonal Conference Featured

11 Jul 2017
1736 times

The Women Fellowship of Greater Evangelism World Crusade (GEWFI) held the 2017 Zonal Women Conference in all Zonal Headquarters of the Ministry from 25th to 28th May 2017. The theme of the conference was “Disciples Indeed” in line with the 2017 Theme of GEWC.

Several soul lifting and inspiring talks and seminars were done, some of which are: The role of a Genuine Disciple in Church Growth, The Role of Women in Discipleship, Discipleship- A Personal Commitment and a workshop on the enterprising woman. This workshop came with a practical session such as juice making. The grand finale, saw a focus on the President’s (Pastor Nonyem Numbere) talk on “The Servant Leader” where she highlighted on a few points:

  1. Just as the unseen parts of our body are very important so is every member of the body of Christ very important.
  2. If you must please God, You must be a servant leader.
  3. A servant leadership enhances leadership.
  4. Being a servant is key. Jesus Christ made himself lower than a servant by washing His disciples’ feet including Judas that was to betray Him.

It was indeed a refreshing time in God’s presence as women took time to pray, worship God and learn as well.

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