*/ GEWC, 6th International Ministers’ Conference holds in Bayelsa State Nigeria



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GEWC, 6th International Ministers’ Conference holds in Bayelsa State Nigeria Featured

22 Dec 2017
2089 times

Bayelsa State was host to the 6th International Ministers' Conference of Greater Evangelism World Crusade. From the 7th to 12th of November 2017, Ministers gathered from all over the world to hear God's word, have fellowship and get revived. The Theme of this Conference was "Fire on My Altar". Opening the conference was Pastor Isaac Olori (In'tl Director, GEWC) with a key note address titled "The Fire of Divine Discontentment" (1 Samuel 22:2, Judges 6:13), he stressed that every Minister must be dissatisfied with his/her current level, dissatisfied with the status quo. Discontentment, he said, produces a hunger, and if we come feeling full or satisfied, we would go back empty.

He pointed out areas that should flame our discontentment

  1. Lack of Hunger and Thirst after God (Psalm 42:1,2). As Ministers, most times we find ourselves in the place of giving out without refilling.  Reading the Bible just to get messages to preach; really very busy but have lost touch with real fellowship with God.  This results in dryness which sometimes manifest in our gradually losing our Christlikeness and the high standard of character required of God's Ministers. 
  2. A ministry that lacks fruitfulness (John 15:2,8; Luke 13:6 - 9). Consistent lack of performance and productivity should be a cause for concern that should provoke discontentment.
  3. The condition of the flock (Proverbs 27:23). God's intent is to give his people ministers who will feed them with knowledge and understanding (Jeremiah 3:15). A minister must put his heart into caring for his flock and be discontent with whatever level (spiritual or physical) they are at.
  4. Apathy and Complacency (Proverbs 20:6, Numbers 13:31). Apathy is the lack of enthusiasm or interest, while complacency is the feeling of self-satisfaction. These are two extremes which we must sincerely and aggressively confront if God will count on us for ministry and in this Vision.  When we are not troubled by the state of things operating as if nothing is at stake, then it is evident that all is not well; is a signal of apathy or complacence. Gideon was not like this, he did not give up, overwhelmed with frustration hence desired a change and God saw his heart.
  5. The Hireling Attitude (Job 7:2). Ministry is a calling; a calling from God. When we are always focused on what to get, we unconsciously get caught up with the spirit of the hireling. Some of the consequences for having "the hireling attitude" are
  6. We lose connection to God who is the supplier of our needs (Philippians 3:19)
  7. We limit our capacity for divine supply
  8. Unfruitfulness which comes from being spiritually disconnected.

He concluded by praying that God would deal with the ashes in our lives that are preventing fresh fire on our altars.

Day 2 of the conference kicked off with the Guest Speaker, Pastor Dr. Friday Bekee, starting the series "Fire on my altar". He defined the altar as a place where men encounter/meet spirits, the natural meets with the supernatural and divinity meets with humanity (1 Corinthians 10:18 - 20). In essence, God's people meet with God at the altar. The altar is a place of prayer and supplication and a place of God's presence (Genesis 12:8, 13:3,4; 1 Kings 8:32). It is also a place where men worship and offer sacrifices unto God (Genesis 8:20). It is a place where blessings are invoked on the people (2 Kings 6). He explained the two altars that existed in the Old Testament - The bronze altar (altar of Burnt offering) (Exodus 29:25, 38) and the altar of incense. In the New Testament, the bronze altar is the altar of praise, worship and thanksgiving while the altar of incense is the altar of prayer (Hebrews 13:15, Numbers 28:2, Psalm 141:2).

Over the next few days he expounded on this topic. Highlights of his teachings are below.

Importance of Personal Altar

  1. Our life in secret with God is the secret of our public life. It defines our personal walk and work with God.
  2. Your ministry at your personal altar is your primary assignment. Ministry is service to God and to the Gospel (Deuteronomy 21:5, 1 Chronicles 23:13). However, your ministering to people, is an overflow of your ministering to God.
  3. God is more interested in your fellowship with Him than in your work for Him. He is more interested in what you are for Him than what you do for Him.

Blessings of the Personal Altar

Your blessings as a Minister are at God's Altar (1 Corinthians 9:13). These blessings include:

  1. The Lord is your reward
  2. A place of encounter. God meets with you at your personal altar
  3. A place of revelation

Important facts about the Fire

  1. The sacrifice in the Old Testament was incomplete without fire.
  2. This fire was to be a perpetual fire
  3. The Holy Spirit is the fire of the New Testament Church (Ephesians 5:18 - 20). The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was corporate and personal as everyone had a tongue of fire on his/her head (personal fire)
  4. The fire on your altar is a function of the Holy Spirit in your life.
  5. You have a personal responsibility to ensure your fire is not put out.
  6. Perpetual fire means perpetual worship, prayer and intercession.  Perpetual fire, makes you combat ready.
  7. Intercession establishes God's will on earth.
  8. Fire is the hallmark/trademark of God's Ministers (Hebrews 1:7)
  9. Fire is not taught, fire is caught. A minister's responsibility is to bring God's people into a deeper experience with Him (Psalm 42:7) but your depth determines the depth of God you can explore and how deep his people can go.
  10. Fire begets fire. It is the fire that drives (Numbers 11:17)

Why we need the Fire

1. Fire consecrates for service: Not everything brought into the temple was used in service to God. Before it could be used, it must first be consecrated by fire. Isaiah was also consecrated by fire (Isaiah 6:5 - 7). Note that before this time, Isaiah was already doing ministry but after his consecration, he was never the same again.

 2. Fire adds value to our lives: The more fire deals with precious metal, the purer it becomes and the purer it becomes, the more it's worth. Anytime we encounter the fire of the Holy Ghost, it increases our worth.

 3. Fire is the instrument of the Ministry by the altar: The altars by which we stand to minster are altars of fire.

 4. It takes fire in your soul to worship: When an animal is taken to the altar for sacrifice, it smells, but once fire is introduced, it oozes a sweet aroma. Our worship rises on the wings of fire. Until it is affected by fire, God does not accept it. It is the fire that releases the sweet-smelling aroma. Music is a ministry, and it is a ministry of fire. You cannot be a minister and not be a worshipper. A Minister must understand the importance of the music ministry and encourage it in his church.

 5. It takes fire to commune with the Lord (Psalm 39:3): It takes fire in our heart to pray. When the fire burns in our heart, we cannot hold back but pray. Do not put out the fire with excuses.

 6. It takes a burning heart to speak for God: We must carry fire in our souls to speak for God. (Jeremiah 20:9). The ministry of the Word is a ministry of fire.

He concluded by saying that fire does not come on an empty altar, it comes on a sacrifice. Prayer is a sacrifice. Fire does not come by wishing, it comes by praying. Everything obtained in God's presence is sustained in God's presence.

Speaking also at the conference was Rev. Willy Onyebuchi who spoke on "The Minister Contending for the Truth in this End Time". Speaking from Jude vs 1 - 6, he said, the Church of Jesus Christ has lost its purpose, accepting the very things that Jesus refused at the Temptation. The Church now has "juju" priests as pastors, performing miracles as well. He therefore enjoined Ministers not to chase after miracles but to chase after God and the devil will flee. The Word of God is the only source of truth and our standard and no amount of money or inspiration can justify deviation from the truth. We must therefore, contend for the faith.

Another inspiring talk on "The Minister and His Family Life" was given by Pastor N. E. Numbere (President, Greater Evangelism Women Fellowship International). She defined the family as a group of people, related by blood ties and relationship. A nuclear family consists of children both biological and adopted. In the Bible, it is extended to household employees (Colossians 3:18 -24; 4:1; Proverbs 29:21). Continuing she said, God is the originator of marriage and family. Unfortunately, the devil has altered God's plan for marriage with different atrocities like cohabitation, homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22, 26, 27; Romans 1:18 - 32), polygamy, polyandry etc.

She highlighted that the status of your family as a Minister is so important that it is part of the criteria to be ordained (1 Timothy 2:2, 4, 5). Failure in your family implies failure in your ministry. The Minister's first parish is his home although some are so occupied it the Church, they neglect their family. Also, the Minister's family is always at the front banner for attacks by the devil.  Abraham received commendation from God because of how he ruled his house (Genesis 17:18 - 19)

Highlights of her talk include

1. The Minister and His Wife: Marriage was conceived in God's heart out of love for man (Genesis 2:20). Meaning of the words, Help and meet used in Genesis 2 include: to give or provide what is necessary to satisfy a need, save, rescue, succour, facilitate, contribute to the success of, precisely adapted to a situation. The wife is therefore a help meet that means a suitable helper to the Minister.

2. The Role of a Husband (Minister): Marriage is both physical and spiritual. The bedrock is love and trust. The wife is therefore suitable physically, spiritually and morally. The role of the Minister as a husband with regards to his wife include the following:

  1. Set territorial boundaries in the home both physically and spiritually. Seek godly counsel in marriage if necessary.
  2. This includes showing unconditional love to your wife (Ephesians 5:25). Show love by actions and words. Treat her as a pearl of great price. Bring out the best in her (Ephesians 5:25 - 28)
  3. As much as possible, have meals together, as it is fellowship
  4. Do not treat her as a domestic servant
  5. Do not assault your wife physically or verbally
  6. Be a forgiver. A successful marriage is a union of two great forgivers.
  7. Learn to apologize when you are wrong.

 3. Leadership of the Home

  1. The man is the head of the home in both spiritual and social responsibilities.
  2. You are spiritual partners. Seeding your wife's role as your spiritual partner to another especially a woman, is equal to spiritual divorce. Sarah was part of Abraham's blessing (Genesis 17:15, 18:1 - 17). She eventually grew in faith and was listed it the roll call of heroes in Hebrews 11:8 - 12
  3. Your Ministry cannot be successful without your wife (1 Peter 3:7)
  4. You are the priest of your home, therefore perform the duties of a priest at home. A family that prays together, stays together (Exodus 27: 20 - 21; 30:8)
  5. Intercede for your family. For example, Isaac interceded for Rebecca to have a child
  6. Learn to play and relax with your wife (Genesis 26:8)
  7. Do not commit adultery. Be careful in your relationship with the opposite sex as it can lead to adultery (1 Corinthians 10:12, Proverbs 6:32; 5:15 - 20)
  8. A minister should provide for his family (1 Timothy 5:8). The employer of the Minister is God and He will take care of you.

 4. The Minister and His Children

  1. Your children are covenant children (Isaiah 8:18)
  2. Bless your family just as David did (2 Samuel 6:17 - 21)

For more details on "The Minister and His Children", read Crusader's Voice (July/August 2017 Edition)

Other seminars, business meetings, prayer sessions were held during the conference.

Bringing the Conference to a close on Sunday, was Pastor Isaac Olori (Int'l Director) with the topic "My Presence will go with you" (Exodus 33:12 - 23). Reviewing the discussion God had with Moses, he said, it appeared that in Exodus 33:1, God disowned the children of Israel because He told Moses "the people you brought out of Egypt". God then promised to send an angel and would give them deliverance, yet His presence would not be there. He stressed that not every deliverance (miracle) involves God's presence and prayed that Ministers would never settle for a substitute i.e. an angel and not God's presence. The children of Israel mourned when they were told they would not have God's presence. Moses, therefore insisted on God's presence; he was hungry for it and God filled that hunger. Other excepts from his sermon can be found below:

Benefits of His Presence

  1. The secret of obtaining God's goodness is His presence
  2. The Name of the Lord will be proclaimed ahead of you as you carry His presence.
  3. His presence carries His name, authority, power and majesty.
  4. God's presence is personal. If you seek His presence, He will give you His presence.
  5. His presence gives rest and victory
  6. His presence is evidenced by His grace on your life.
  7. His presence separates you. Men and women who are separated can do all things, not by their power, but through Christ who strengthens them.

Why do we have difficulty finding God's Presence?

  1. Idolatry - Idols are not just carved items but anything that replaces God in your life has become a god/idol (Exodus 32:1)
  2. Stiff-neckedness (Stubbornness) - Exodus 33:3

Present also during the Sunday Service was the wife of the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State, Dr. (Mrs.) Rachael Dickson and other dignitaries. The Conference ended with a Communion Service. There was much rejoicing as Ministers left the conference ignited for God.

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