*/ Easter Retreat 2018 Day 4



Easter Retreat 2018 Day 4 Featured

06 Apr 2018
1822 times

The Significance of The Resurrection Of Jesus: 2018 Easter Sunday

The 4-day Easter Retreat came to a climax on Sunday, 1st April 2018 which was also celebrated as Easter Sunday, all over the world. It was characterized by great thanks, praises and a communion service. Bro. Baridudor Baridudum testified how God restored the joy of his salvation and lost glory.

The sermon was delivered by God’s servant, Pastor Isaac V. Olori, the International Director. The topic of the sermon was “The Significance of The Resurrection Of Jesus” (John 20:1-17). Introducing the sermon, he said that the resurrection of Jesus was the consummation of our redemption, hence understanding that Christ is risen, not just mentally but in our spirit man, is the secret of victory. He also pointed out that there is a calculated attempt by the enemy to obscure the fact that Christ is risen, as he is ready to carry out any act to ensure we do not believe this truth.

Analyzing the character of the disciples (Peter, John and Mary) from the main text, he stated that the heart with which we seek the Lord will determine the level He will reveal Himself to us. Mary received a higher revelation than the other disciples because she yearned for answers, by staying at the sepulcher. The attitude of these disciples shows that there are three categories of disciples; one exemplified by John who ran quickly and got to the sepulcher first but did not enter, the second exemplified by Peter, who came later but entered into the sepulcher before John followed suit, and finally Mary, who stayed back even when the other two disciples had gone away. Indeed, to get a higher revelation of the personality of Jesus and the deep secrets of God, we need to pay a price.

Some relevant points from this sermon are:

  • Understanding is the key to unveiling the mystery to what the death and resurrection of Christ accomplished for us. It is the scripture that reveals the purpose and plan of God for our lives.
  • The greatest damage the enemy has done to the church is ignorance. When you know God, your life and walk with Jesus will not remain the same.
  • The same sepulcher that the other two disciples entered was the same Mary entered but the other two were not qualified to see the angels because they were casual. In fact, the angels interacted with Mary (John 20:13). Mary’s attitude indicated that she was ready to go an extra mile for Him. When Jesus called her name she got the revelation that He was Jesus (John 20:16). At this point Mary became a carrier of good news.
  • Your thirst and desire for God is what will keep you ahead of your peers.
  • When your heart is touched and goes out for God, nothing will be too big for God. Many are struggling in their walk with God because their heart is cold. It is the heart that makes the difference.

The significance of the resurrection

    • The empty tomb confirms the testimony that He is risen and that He is the Son of God (Romans 1:3-4). The secret of the empty tomb is that He is risen. When the power of God comes down, no power of darkness can stop God’s purpose for your life. The power of God works with the Spirit of holiness, hence any power that does not come through the spirit of holiness is from the pit of hell. If everything written in scripture about Jesus came to pass, then it means the scripture is true and it will work for you (Matthew 24:25).
    • His resurrection sealed His victory over Satan and death (Romans 6:9, Acts 2:24). It was impossible for death to hold Jesus down. Death and Satan are helpless. (Psalm 16:10, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57).

  • It authenticates/validates our faith. It makes our faith different (1 Corinthians 15:17). Any other faith not hinged on the resurrection of Jesus is pointless, vain and empty.
  • Forgiveness of sin is possible. Apart from Christ’s bodily resurrection, we have a Savior and hope of eternal life.
  • It brought us into a lively hope. A lively hope means a hope of living again by resurrection (1 Peter 1:3; John 3:3). His resurrection is the reason a man can be born again. When we are born again, we have a lively hope. Everyone that dies in Christ will rise again (Romans 6:5).
  • It reveals God’s innumerable greatness of power towards us (Ephesians 1:18-23). The power in a believer is the same power God wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead. So if you are experiencing Him in a low realm, then the problem is not the power or the giver of the power but you (Romans 8:11). God wants to see your life demonstrating resurrection.
  • The resurrection of Jesus gives assurance of future judgment (Acts 17:30-31). If you ignore the sacrifice Christ made on the cross and you do not want to surrender completely, then you are on a path to judgment.
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