*/ GEWC Youths have Interactive session on Relationships and Marriage with Pastor Isaac Olori



GEWC Youths have Interactive session on Relationships and Marriage with Pastor Isaac Olori Featured

18 May 2018
2231 times

The International Director of Greater Evangelism World Crusade, Pastor Isaac Olori had an interactive session on Relationship and Marriage with the youths of the Ministry on 14th April, 2018 at GEWC Rainbow Town Church. He gave all the youths opportunity to ask questions which he answered. A few of the questions and answers include the following;

What is the stance of the Ministry on dating and engagement. Can singles date before engagement or get engaged then start courtship/marriage arrangements?

Pastor Olori: Dating is worldly, it goes with romantic fun. It started at the beginning of the 21st century but that is not the biblical principle on how to find a wife/husband.

Courtship is if a brother has prayerfully found a life partner, talked with the lady and the lady agrees then they start praying and studying together. Marriage is a calling. Unfortunately, some married people live in the house as only roommates which is very wrong. In courtship, you get to know each other. If there has been a mistake in the past, courtship is the time to share. It is the time to plan how your home will be, how many children you want to have, how to manage your finances etc. You meet from time to time for a specific moment and purpose. Try to be as transparent as much as possible during courtship, meet in places that will not leave you susceptible to temptation.

Does the choice of a life partner go with any carnal tendency for it to be realistic?

Pastor Olori: The choice of a life partner does not start with carnal tendencies and should not. It must start from spiritual tendencies and if it is God, the others will follow. Big houses, cars, money, shapes etc can change over time, so carnal tendencies should not be the pivot of the relationship. The couple can even start with one room and over time, things will change. For example, my wife and myself started with a borrowed one room apartment but today the story is different.

In praying for a life partner, how wrong or right is it to have someone in mind before seeking the face of God to perfect it if it’s his will?

Pastor Olori: Sometimes God will answer you according to your desire (1 Peter 4:7, Ezekiel 14:1-4). If you must pray on a serious matter like marriage you should have a sober mind. Most times, dreams come out of the multitude of things you think.


What should be done in a situation where a born-again brother or sister is married and thereafter discovered his or her partner covered up with deceptions and lies to get married to the one in question?

Pastor Olori: There is nothing you can do, you have to find a way to prayerfully deal with it. That is why you are encouraged to pray and get adequate information about the person you intend to marry before marriage.

As a brother, how much should you have in your account before proposing to a sister?

Pastor Olori: You should have a consistent income because when you get married it is your source of income that should provide some basic needs for the home. The demand will go beyond just taking care of yourself, you will have to take care of your wife and children inclusive. Young people getting married should plan such that you pay less for your wedding gowns, suits, invitation cards, gifts, reception halls, etc. Make your wedding ceremony as simple as possible as you cannot satisfy everybody. If you pray and God leads you to propose without a job you can go ahead but before you get to the official level of marriage, the man should have a job or source of income.

Is white wedding compulsory in GEWC, what is our stand?

Pastor Olori: White wedding is not compulsory but everyone is encouraged to have church/marriage blessing after the traditional marriage.

After answering the questions from the youths, Pastor Isaac V. Olori went ahead to minister on what he titled “The Conclusion of the Matter”.

He said the youth is the future of the Ministry of GEWC, and should see themselves as stakeholders. They should not allow any situation to cause them to chicken out of the Ministry of GEWC. If Jesus tarries, youths have more stake in the Ministry than the older ones in the Ministry.

Speaking further he said marriage starts with relationship and it is sustained by relationship. How the relationship starts will determine how long it will last. Relationship connects you with the person you are in a relationship with. Treat relationships seriously and not casually, define and set boundaries from the very beginning of the relationship. If you do not define it, you will find yourself talking about marriage when that relationship has nothing to do with marriage. Unguided relationships can lead to emotional decisions that are taken in the flesh. These sometimes can lead to lust and immoral affairs which will wreck your spiritual life.

Watch it, when you have a relationship with an unbeliever, show the Christ that is in you. Look for ways to witness Christ to that unbeliever else you may enter into compromise. The bible says do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-16). It is a matter of the heart and God's commandment is clear. For marriage, the believer is incompatible with the unbeliever. As a believer, God is your Father, when you marry an unbeliever; the devil is your father in law. In relationships, you must be careful on how you relate with the unbeliever so that you do not fall into immorality.

General points about marriage

Marriage is too important to be engaged in without God's leading (Proverbs 3:5-7). After your salvation the next most important thing is your marriage. Your marriage will either make or mare you and some have backslidden because of wrong marriage (Proverbs 19:14). The power of finding is when you pray and allow God to lead you (Genesis 1:31, Genesis 2:18). Other highlights include:

  1. You must have a correct heart disposition to God and to his word (Matthew 6:33).
  2. You must learn to wait upon the Lord.
  3. You must learn to discern God's will in marriage.
  4. Know the word of God for yourself.
  5. Ensure you maintain purity. The bible says flee fornication and immorality because the devil is after the future of the child of God. Keep your relationship pure.
  6. God is interested in you, your future, therefore, seek the kingdom of God and He will take care of your marriage when the time comes.

He prayed with the youths for God to help them to do His will.

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