*/ Pastor Isaac Olori Ordains Ministers and Elders in Port Harcourt



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Pastor Isaac Olori Ordains Ministers and Elders in Port Harcourt Featured

26 Jun 2018
2326 times

It was a joyous occasion as another batch of Ministers and Elders were ordained in Greater Evangelism World Crusade. A total of 164 Ministers and 243 Elders were successful out of about 500 candidates who had gone through the rigorous exercise of training (CUSOM), written and oral exams. Family and friends of candidates turned out in mass to witness this occasion.

Pastor Isaac Olori before ordaining each of them, gave the Ordination charge titled “The Ministerial Calling” (Hebrews 5:1 – 4; 1 Thessalonians 2:1 – 4). Below are excerpts from his sermon.

Our Christian life is first a calling to devote our life and service to God. The Ministerial Calling is then, a higher calling. It is a call to total dedication of our life, body, soul and resources to God’s service. It is beyond a title, it is rather responsibility and duty. Accepting to be ordained is saying “I am devoting my soul, body, time, energy and resources for God’s Service”.

Nature of the Calling (Hebrews 5:1 – 4)

  • The calling is a High Calling: The standard of ministry remains the same. Do not be tempted to follow other ministers who have watered down God’s standard. Let your life be an example of the minister.
  • You are taken from among men (Acts 14:15): The minister must remember that he is first a man, a brother or a sister. Do not be bloated with the title of your office. Do not treat the office like something you earned, it is only by grace so be humble.
  • Appointed for men: Always remember that you are appointed to serve men. You were not appointed for people to serve you. You are a gift to the Church (Ephesians 4:8). Gifts do not serve themselves neither do they exist to be served. Ministering to men is one of the crucial responsibilities of ministers. Part of your judgement by God will be on how you served men.
  • Your responsibility after ordination is primarily spiritual before physical (1 Corinthians 4:1). Be a manager of spiritual and divine truths and deliver it to people.
  • Your sacrifice is prayer, worship, time and money (Hebrews 5:2). You must imbibe the character of compassion for those who are ignorant and going astray. Compassion is the force that will propel you to go out of your way to do things for your people. Stand in the gap for your people and pray with the heart of compassion. You are being empowered to be an agent of compassion.
  • You are subject to weakness (Hebrews 5:3). Ordination does not make you a super human overnight therefore, your personal devotion must not be neglected. As you call others to devotion, do not lose your devotion because if you do, you have nothing to offer. Never allow your being busy for God to rob you of your time with God.

Focus on Results

  • Produce fruits (2 Thessalonians 2:1). There should be evidence of positive impact on people’s lives. Results do not just happen, it takes determined effort and focus. Results come with a price.
  • The calling carries both burden and sacrifice. The calling most times demands great sacrifice and suffering. You are therefore entering the ministry of burden bearing. When you serve, honor will come but the pathway is burden and shame (1 Thessalonians 2:2)
  • Beware of Apostasy (1 Thessalonians 2:3). Out there are so messages that might be popular but not founded on the truth (2 Timothy 1:13, Titus 1:13). There is sound word and sound faith. Sound faith is a product of sound teachings/word. Fight ungodliness. Beware of the ministry of uncleanliness and deceit. As a minister, you should be ready to stand against false teachings and doctrines of devils.

  • Seek God’s approval (2 Thessalonians 2:4). There are times men might approve you but God might disapprove. Always seek God’s approval.
  • Ministry is a trust (2 Thessalonians 2:4). The gospel is being put into your hands to protect the gospel. It is a sacred trust and every trust calls for faithfulness and accountability (1 Corinthians 4:1,2)
  • God tries or tests our heart (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Be conscious of the fact, not only our works will be tried but our hearts too (2 Chronicles 25:2)

In conclusion, reading 2 Timothy 2:2, Pastor Isaac Olori prayed that the grace of ordination should flow and affect the lives of all candidates who will be qualified, can be entrusted with the gospel and also raise “Timothys”. He charged them to go and make disciples.

After the charge, the ordination procedure began with the administration of pledges, ordination and presentation of ordination certificates to the newly ordained ministers and elders.

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