*/ Don’t Limit God – May 2022 Healing Service



Don’t Limit God – May 2022 Healing Service Featured

23 May 2022
954 times

The power and presence of God was manifest in the May Central Healing  Service which held on Sunday, 22nd May 2022. The atmosphere was filled with God’s presence and glory. We praised and worshiped God in truth and in spirit. The drama unit of the ministry presented a drama that was focused on laying our past, weaknesses, sins on the cross. God indeed touched the hearts of men as many rushed to give their lives to Christ.

God’s undisputed word was brought to us again by our father, the International Director Of Greater Evangelism World Crusade, Pastor Isaac Olori. He spoke on the topic “Don’t limit God” (Psalms 78:41-42). Pastor Isaac Olori explained that God has the ability and willingness to turn our situations around but we have a role in receiving the turn around. There is nothing too hard for God to do, our only problem is that we limit God.

Pastor Isaac Olori went further to state three ways by which we can limit God:

  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:1-2). The foundation of limiting God is sin.
  2. Unbelief (2 Kings 7:1-2). Doubt can limit God from working for us. He expounded that how God will do it is not our business, our business is to believe God, God’s own is to act.
  3. Capacity (2 Kings 4). Just like the woman acted accordingly with the Elisha’s instruction, meaning that she believed. She got blessed based on her capacity. If her capacity was more she would have received more. Another example is the stone on Lazarus’ grave which was a limitation, and Jesus asked that the stone be removed first.

He concluded by asking us to access ourselves in the areas we limit God and trust Him to do the impossible.

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