*/ The Name Above All Names: November 2016 Healing Service



The Name Above All Names: November 2016 Healing Service Featured

28 Nov 2016
1966 times

It was wonderful worshipping in the Temple this month. God’s power and magnificence was paramount in service. We heard testimonies of God’s faithfulness from our brethren, one of whom was Pastor Peter Daniel, who was involved in a motor accident in 2004 and as a result, experienced severe spinal pain but was miraculously healed during the August 2016 healing service. He also testified how God healed his two sisters in October 2016 healing service. In his words, “…while the International Director said the healing prayers, I put a call through to my sisters, so they could partake in the prayers as well, and today they are healed”.

The sermon by the International Director was titled “The Name above all names” while the text was taken from Philippians 2:5-11. He described a name to be a part of one’s identity, as it portrays a person’s worth, character, reputation, authority, will and ownership. Describing the name of Jesus, he pointed that, His name was in sync with the mission He came to accomplish. Hence, whenever the name “JESUS” is mentioned, it should serve as a reminder of the task He came to accomplish, as well as a description of who He is and what He can do. Furthermore, the sermon brought to the fore the authority that resides in a name, and Jesus recognized this power and authority in His. So, if we – Christians- act, recognising the power in that name, we must certainly have the backing of heaven.

Major highlights of the sermon include;

1.      How Jesus achieved greatness in His name:

a)      By inheritance (Hebrews 1:4). As the only begotten Son of God, He obtained a more excellent name than any angel.

b)      By achievement (Philippians 2:5-11). He showed that He was qualified to obtain the greatness in His name through His works.

c)      God conferred it upon Him (Colossians 2:15): As a result of the humility He exhibited, God conferred it upon Him.

2.      How to access the power in that name:

It was clearly pointed out that, the power in the name of Jesus is not just in mentioning it, but this power can be accessed through the following ways;

a)      Spiritual understanding: A man who will access the power in the name of Jesus, is the man who has spiritual understanding of the power in the name and personality of Jesus - Colossians 1:16-19.

b)      Reverence for His name (Exodus 20:7) – Reverence for that name can be linked to the way we call Him. Calling the name unnecessarily depicts lack of reverence. A typical example of reverence for this name can be traced to the attitude of the early Jews, who spelt the Name as YHWH, thus signifying His awesomeness and the fact that He is indescribable. Also, history has it that, an unnecessary mention of that name could attract a punishment of death.

c)      Faith (Acts 3: 12, 13 and 16). To access the power in the name, we must have faith in the name and person that owns the name.

d)      Called by that name (2 Chronicles 7:14, John 1:12).  Being called by the name of the Lord happens by Salvation. Being called by that Name gives you access which principalities recognise. This gives us power over situations, diseases etc.

Finally, it is expedient we know that a person’s name can direct the course of his life. Also, being identified with the name of Jesus and acknowledging its power is the best thing that can happen to anyone, as no one can survive without the backing of that name, JESUS.


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