*/ February 2018 Healing Service



February 2018 Healing Service Featured

28 Feb 2018
1754 times

This month’s service was indeed power packed, and we bless God for it. God’s word was brought to us by the International Director, Pastor Isaac V. Olori. The topic of the sermon was “The Throne of Grace” (Hebrew 4:16).

He defined a throne to mean an elevated place that speaks of a sovereign power and dignity. The throne in this sermon referred to that of the King of kings and Lord of lords according to Psalm 45:6 and Psalm 103:19. He pointed out that, all other kings have their thrones on earth and rule in a particular sphere but God rules everywhere. Describing the throne of God, he referenced Isaiah 66:1, stating that a footstool is usually smaller than a sitting place. If the earth is God’s footstool, we then should picture how His dwelling place, heaven, is like. The throne of God is where God usually manifests His power (Isaiah 6:1-5).

He stated that, an understanding of the sovereignty of God will affect our worship. To buttress this fact, he exemplified the life and prayer of Stephen in Acts 7:56, pointing that Stephen prayed for the forgiveness of his offenders because he experienced and saw God’s glory.  Hence, when we see God’s glory our life would be changed and transformed, so those who give themselves to vengeful prayers are very far from grace because what flows out of the throne of God is grace and mercy.

Motivations to approach the Throne of Grace

    1. We receive rest at the Throne of Grace. As we enter into the throne of God, we enter into rest and cease from our labours. Grace begins to flow to us from the throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:9 - 14).
    2. We have a high priest – Jesus Christ, at the throne of grace. Jesus is the only priest who operates in heaven from the throne of grace and He is our great high priest (Hebrews 4:14). He is sympathetic and understands our infirmities. He does not only feel our pain but is ready to heal. Most of the miracles Christ did in the bible were out compassion. Some of us are still with our problem because we are not agitated to change it by going to the throne of Grace. When we do so, our situations will change because we have the great High Priest, and when heaven raises hand into our situation, hope will be restored to us.
    3. Any Word that proceeds from the throne of God carries power (Ecclesiastics 8:4). If the word meets anything that is dormant, it will transform it, the  word  can  penetrate anywhere. One word from the Lord can change you and your situation.
    4. Everything is open before the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:13). Heaven is monitoring every situation and so nothing can be hidden from God.

Other relevant points from this sermon are as follows:

  1. We must come boldly to the throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16).
  2. We must be ready to persevere in order to access the throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:11).
  3. To enter into the throne of grace, we must strive in the place of prayer.
  4. When you enter into your rest, even ravens can feed you.
  5. You must persevere in the place of prayer to enter into that rest.

Finally, we have a liberty of access because we have the atoning blood of Jesus.  If that blood has washed you, you can enter boldly into the throne of Grace. However, we must ensure that we have that liberty which is acquired through a relationship.

When we come to God, the blood of Jesus washes us, thus giving us direct access to enter in anytime and any day. Sin is the only barrier that can take that access away, so we must stand against anything that is a hindrance to us having a relationship with God (Psalm 66:18). 

When grace comes, it changes our status just like the prodigal son in Luke 15. Grace began to work for him when he decided to go back to his father.

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