*/ Delivered From The Addiction Of Smoking



Delivered From The Addiction Of Smoking Featured

14 Apr 2017
1936 times

The greatest miracle is the miracle of salvation and God is able to save to the utmost. To the glory of God, Mr. Victor Oga from Town Zone 1 was not only saved, but delivered from his addiction to Marijuana. Read his testimony below:

“I gave my life to Christ in October 2016 and 20th November 2016 at the November Healing Service, I rededicated my life to Christ. However, there was one habit, I had imbibed in 1996 which had remained despite my re-dedication. No effort and attempts to quit worked. Not until January 2017 Communion service. That morning, I had smoked the substance in my house and came to Church. After the sermon on communion, fear gripped me and I told myself I was not qualified for this communion but a second thought came like someone speaking to me. The voice said, “God created you and God who created you knows you more than you know yourself. Why no talk to Him about this addiction and partake in this communion” I obeyed and began to talk to God to deliver me from this addition. When the communion was shared, I took it and ate it. Behold, it did a great thing in my life. This habit I had struggled to put off, from that day, I lost the desire to smoke Marijuana. For the next two days, I observed myself, I went about my normal activities and the urge to smoke did not come.

Later on the second day, a voice spoke to me “Go into your house and throw away everything about this habit”.  As an addict, I made sure I had all I needed at home to satisfy my craving without having to beg. I hearkened to that voice, searched my entire house, brought out everything regarding Marijuana and threw them away. Today, I stand boldly to testify that since then, I have not gone back to that habit and the desire is completely gone. Praise the Lord!”

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