*/ Rekindling the Flame of the Vision: GEWC at 46



Rekindling the Flame of the Vision: GEWC at 46 Featured

09 Sep 2018
2539 times

    “ ... O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make known;...” Habakkuk 3:2 (NKJV).

As the Ministry turns 46 years today, 9th of September, 2018, as members and friends of the Ministry we have every cause to appreciate and eulogize God, who is the giver and sustainer of the Vision. Keeping our focus and mission alive for these years has been by the grace of God for which we should always remember and be grateful to Him.

It is also a time to reflect on the labours of our heroes; our founding father , Apostle G.D. Numbere of blessed memory, and those who laboured with him with a passion in pursuit of the Vision and how far we have gone in accomplishing it.

We need to remind ourselves, the present generation of the Ministry,  the responsibility and challenges we face, not only to keep the Vision on course but also relevant in our time. The mandates given to our founding father, to go and raise those whose heads are bowed down to look up to Him (God) and live is still as relevant and urgent today as it was 46 years ago.

The world and our society is increasingly sliding to more and more ungodliness; the Church is becoming more and more worldly and the society more and more religious but devoid of the power of the saving grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our generation desperately needs that flame, the commitment and passion which characterized the Vision in the early years.

As we reminiscent on this great and heavenly mandate of reaching everyone, everywhere with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, my charge to us all is to pray passionately for revival like Prophet Habakkuk did : “ O LORD, revive your work in the midst of the years! “. Only a revival that rekindles the flame of the Vision will produce the required energy that will move the Vision to the next level. When this happens, there must be a determination to sustain it and transfer it to the next generation.

Like the slogan of our Teens “The Vision lives because I am available to carry on the Vision “. May we not only make ourselves available but earnestly pray for the fire and passion needed to carry on the Vision in these last days.

God bless you.


Pastor Isaac V. Olori

Int’l Director, Greater Evangelism World Crusade (GEWC)

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