*/ Be Still and Know that I am God: May 2018 Healing Service



Be Still and Know that I am God: May 2018 Healing Service Featured

26 Jun 2018
1828 times

The presence of God was mighty in service this month. God’s word was brought forth though the International Director, Pastor Isaac Olori. The topic of the sermon was “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10). He pointed out that the “I am that I am” was the One speaking here and this understanding gives credence and authority to His words. Excerpts from his sermon can be found below.

Three (3) things God Addressed

  1. God is addressing His children, particularly those facing one challenge or the other.
  2. Those who are not his children. Everyone is God’s creation, but not everyone is a child of God. Only those who have accepted Him are His children (John 1:12). The moment you realize that you cannot struggle with God, and accept Him, you become His child e.g. Saul.
  3. Circumstances, powers and forces warring against the children of God. When God says “be still” it means He is about to manifest Himself.

What does it mean to “Be Still”

  1. “Be still” has its origin in Hebrew – “Rapha” meaning to be weak/to relax/a state of lacking power. One of the things we must note is that God will not take over your battle until you cease fighting and recognize that you are limited while God is unlimited and infinite. God does not help the strong, he helps the weak. To be weak in this context means to call upon God and tell Him to help you and that you need His intervention (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Sometimes people come to God as an option, but if you want God to identify you for a miracle, you must come to Him as the only option.
  2. “Be still” means to be calm, a state of tranquility, freedom from storm. A boat needs water to sail, but if that same water gets into the boat, it will sink it. Do not allow the turbulence to affect your inside. Your mind and spirit must be free from agitation and worry by casting your cares on Jesus (1 Peter 5:7). Many are going down spiritually because they have accumulated so much are within. Learn to cast your cares on the Lord.
  3. “Be still” means to surrender and submit to God even in our situation, acknowledging the fact that He is still in control. God never loses control. He rules over every situation and determines what happen. We must thus free ourselves from anxiety and worry and rely on God.

Why We Need To Be Still

  1. Deuteronomy 4:7; Psalm 145:18; Psalm 34:18. When you have a covenant with the Lord, there is a covering over you. The strong are not easily broken. If God is near you, no matter the trouble that comes, you must overcome. Part of the principle of faith is being still and trusting God for the impossible.
  2. God is our refuge and strength and we can access Him; He is available. Refuge talks about protection, shelter, where we turn for safety when situations are trying to overwhelm us.

How God’s Abundant Mercy Can Come

  1. Psalm 18:12-19. When God wants to fight, He fights an unconventional war. God manifests Himself when you come to Him and ask for help.
  2. Isaiah 55:7. If God will abundantly pardon the wicked, then He will abundantly show us mercy (Psalm 46:2).

In conclusion, he said, when you get to a point where you do not have enough, that is the point you should surrender. For God’s people, being still means looking to the Lord for help in great difficulties. Most of the time, the challenge is the turbulence, and as a result we tend to forget God.

Know that God is God. To know who God is, you must have a relationship with Him. When you give yourself to prayer and the study of the word, it will strengthen you and you will hear God say, “Be still; for I am God”. God will bring glory to Himself through our circumstances. It becomes a raw material in God’s hands and He visits to turn your situation around.

Finally, the Lord cannot be with you, if you are not born again. When we come into a covenant relationship with God, nothing will be impossible.

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