*/ Healing Service, A Convocation of Miracles: June 2018 Healing Service



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Healing Service, A Convocation of Miracles: June 2018 Healing Service Featured

08 Aug 2018
1898 times

This month’s service marked our 37th anniversary for the healing service. The power of God was so mighty in service that it was evident through the salvation of many, healing and deliverances.

God’s word was brought to us through His servant, Evangelist Victor N. Ejimadu, the Chief Missions Coordinator of the Ministry. The title of the sermon was Healing Service: A convocation of miracles. The main text for the sermon was taken from Jeremiah 32:17-29 and Isaiah 45:19.

Introducing his topic, he gave a brief history of how the healing service began. He stated that God gave our founding father, Apostle G.D Numbere an instruction 37 years ago to start the healing service, and since then, God has proved Himself mighty during these services over the years. He defined Miracle to mean an event which is unexplainable. He also said that an occurrence of a miraculous event is often undeniable, and aims to glorify God and not gain human attention or popularity, hence, any miracle that does not bring glory to Jesus Christ is not of God.

Highlights of the sermon include the following:

1. Phrases used to represent Miracle:

       a. Signs: Meaning an evidence of divine commission and attestation of divine message(Matthew 16:1-4).

       b. Wonders: Meaning an event that produces astonishment to the beholder.

       c. Mighty works: “Dunamis” (Romans 15:19).

       d. Works of God

2. Characteristics of Miracles

       a. Miracles speak for themselves: An example of this is in John 9 where Jesus opened the eyes of the blind man. The conspicuous nature of such miracle does not require anyone to defend the fact that it happened, because it speaks for itself.

       b. Miracles are unexplainable: God’s miracles are often beyond human explanations. If we can explain why and how it happened then it is not a miracle.

       c. Miracles are often undeniable.

       d. Miracles authenticate and validate the Gospel.

       e. Miracles confirm the calling and message of God.

       f. Miracle is an act of grace (John 9:35).

       g. Miracles bring God’s love and mercy to humans. However, we need to reciprocate same by surrendering our lives to Him (Matt. 11:28-29).

       h. Miracles bring Joy

       i. Miracles can be connected to individuals, families, communities, nations, etc.

       j. Miracles are done through His vessels (flesh and blood) - Acts 10:3.

       k. Miracles can happen as a result of answers to prayers (Gen. 18:42-45, James 5:17-18).

       l. Miracles come by the power of the Word.

       m. Miracles happen when we worship and praise God sincerely from our hearts (Ps. 22:3). When God appears, anything can happen, e.g “Paul and Silas”.

       n. Miracles follow when we go out for missions.

       o. Miracles happen when we exercise faith in God (Mk 11:22-23).

       p. Miracles happen in the name of Jesus (Phil 2:9). Every challenge we experience has a name and such must bow to the higher name (Jesus).

Other points worthy of note include;

1. God can use anybody or anything to perform miracle at any time, but that does not necessarily authenticate the salvation of the miracle performer (John 9:35).

2. There are satanic and counterfeit miracles, the essence of which are to get monetary rewards. For example, the practice of mandatory sowing of seed. Miracles should be free. The beneficiary does not need to make compulsory payment in return.

3. Miracles of riches are for reaching out. Anytime God brings a miracle, He requires a corresponding response towards His work.

4. We must not be afraid of what the enemy wishes to do because God’s mighty hand is well able to deliver us (Luke.1:74-75).

5. There is no level you have got into in sin that God cannot reach-out to you.

In John 4:1-20, the woman in question was completely lost in sins, but her encounter with Jesus changed her story and she became born-again. She gave up her immoral life and became an Evangelist for God. In conclusion, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly of all that we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). It is our capacity to receive miracles but it is in God’s ability to release same as much as needful. Also, the most important miracle any man can have is the salvation of his soul, hence we all must strive for this great miracle.

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