*/ 2017 End of Year Retreat Day 2



2017 End of Year Retreat Day 2 Featured

03 Jan 2018
1777 times

The second day of the end of year retreat began with a powerful bible study session with the topic "The Secret of Divine Supply". The major text was taken from Ecclesiastes 11:1 - "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shall find it after many days". In the course of our study we found out that the secret of divine supply is in giving and this giving is in diverse forms (knowledge, skill, money, food, services, possessions, time etc.) and for this God replenishes the giver.

The Bible also covered what the Bible says about giving and it includes the following:
1. We should be liberal (Proverbs 11:25)
2. Through giving the door of receiving is opened to us (Luke 6:38)
3. We should primarily set our minds to knowing God and living for Him (Matthew 6:33)
4. We should be diligent to understand the appropriate time and opportunities  to give for Gods service and utilize it (Ecclesiastes 9:11)
5. We should look up to God for reward (2 Corinthians 9:8)
6. We must pay our tithe fully and not partly (Malachi 3:10-11)
7. We must give willingly with a perfect heart (1 Chronicles 29:9)

The Bible study also covered that our motive for giving must not be to receive from God as though He is owing us (Psalms 50:10-12).
Furthermore, the following attitudes that can be an obstacle to receiving divine supply were highlighted.
1. Refuse to pay tithe and offering (Malachi 3:8-9).
2. Giving for human praise and recognition (Matthew 6:1).
3. Giving Sparingly (2 Corinthians 9:6).
4. Giving while still living in sin (Proverbs 15:8).
5. Having unresolved offences/unforgiving heart (Matthew 5:23-24).

It also covered how God supplied the need of the widow of Zarephath who was impoverished by famine, He had to send his prophet to demand from her the little she had. Her obedience in releasing what looked like her life opened up her Heavens for a divine supply, which sustained her and her son throughout the period of austerity.  An attitude of giving, even from our state of lack and insufficiency, is God's way to connect with His blessing.
As a way of brief summary the International director Pastor Isaac V. OLori pointed out that we limit ourselves when we withhold what we have and that we can live beyond the economy which is divine. He also added that it is more blessed to give than to receive. 

Afterwards, Pastor A. G. Iyagba the Zonal Minister of Mile 1 Zone anchored the book review: "Vain Shows Vs Practical Christianity" written by our founding father of blessed memory Apostle G.D. Numbere.
The book is made up of five chapters and fifty six pages apart from the forward. It is a must read for every believer as it has been blessing lives and correcting errors in the church.
Chapter 1 covers vain shows in alms giving.
Chapter 2 covers vain shows in prayers.
Chapter 3 covers vain shows in fasting.
Chapter4 covers vain shows in nakedness (indecent dressing).
Chapter 5 covers vain shows in bill boards (self-advertising).
It is a must read, for proper assimilation. Get your copy today!

 Click here for Fire on My Altar by Rev. (Dr.) Friday Bekee.

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