*/ 2017 End of Year Retreat Day 4



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2017 End of Year Retreat Day 4 Featured

03 Jan 2018
1897 times

The 4th day of the retreat was characterized by great testimonies, prayers and teaching. Mrs Suanu Deemor testified how God delivered her from death, after eating a chemical poisoned watermelon. She also shared a testimony of how God intervened in the education of her child studying medicine overseas on scholarship but was abandoned by the Rivers State Government. She recounted how ceaseless prayers and donations were made by her family and the church and God intervened as his department cleared all his outstanding bills, thus leading to his graduation. Finally, she testified how God delivered her from those who kidnapped her and held her hostage for a period of twelve (12) days. This happened on her way back from church after a week of emphasis. She narrated how she was beaten mercilessly and was ill-treated by her abductors. She  also  testified  how  God  was  with  her  throughout her  stay  in  the  forest,  speaking  to  her through divers means and reassuring her of His presence with her, until He made a way of escape and brought her back home to her family. One of the great things God did for her during these twelve (12) days was seal up her stomach, so she would not pass stool. As she was held at gun point whenever she felt the need to use the convenience. 

The  second  testimony was that of Sis Rosetta Samuel of Unyeada church, whose goods were returned at the proclamation of God’s servant, the International Director, that there shall be no loss. The Saturday preceding the healing service, she bought some bags of  fish  at  Kaa  waterside  and  boarded  a  car  to  Bori.  At  the  car  park  in  Bori, she loaded her luggages  into  one  of  the  cars  and  told  the  driver  she  wanted  to  buy  something.  When she returned, she realised the driver had gone. She became confused but immediately heard a voice that told her it was a tactic of the enemy to stop her from worshipping well during the healing service. She immediately took the phone to contact of one of the drivers to do a follow-up call on the where about of the driver. Getting home, all who heard it, told her it was lost and could not be recovered since it was a festive season. When she came for the healing service, God used his servant to proclaim that there shall be no loss and she held on to that word. The next day, during the Christmas service, she called the other driver, but he said he had not seen the driver neither received a word from him, but to God be the glory, that same day, she received a call that her luggage had been returned.

The last testimony was that of Barrister Rufus Godwins. He testified how God’s mercy saw him through his journey, despite several mishaps ranging from missed flights, missing luggage, bank card issues and several others. He narrated how he found himself in a difficult situation with no one to help him, but God’s mercy prevailed in his situation and help came. He also appreciated God  that  his  luggage  that  got  missing  during  the  journey  was  recovered  without  being tampered.

Pst. (Dr) Mrs. N.E Numbere was the vessel God used to bring forth His word. The title of her sermon was “Giving Ourselves to Prayer and to the Ministry of the Word” while Acts chapter 6:4 was the main text. As a foundation to the sermon, she stated that the twelve apostles were leaders of the church and they experienced some form of internal crisis, as described in verse 1-3 of Acts 6.  Nevertheless, they refused to be distracted by this crisis but chose to handle it in a mature manner. She further stated that there is no place where human beings are gathered that there would not be problems, hence church pastors must learn to resolve conflict while every leader must be prepared to handle conflict resolution. Building on the sermon, she stated that the work of the church was to mature the converts by helping  them  to  grow,  as  this  is  a  sign  of  good  church  leadership.  Another sign of good leadership, in her words, is the knowledge of conflict resolution to bring about peace and not crisis.  Hence,  length  of  time  in  church  should  not be  a  criterion  for appointing a leader, but having the Holy Spirit, as the church of Jesus Christ is number one and supersedes any person. So, we all must be careful how we handle the affairs of the church. Still on church leadership, she stated that a leader must learn to assign responsibilities to people, as well as separate material things from spiritual. Major areas covered from the text and considered during this sermon are:

  1. It was the entire members of the church who were to give themselves to prayer and the study of the word, and not just the Apostles.
  2. From the text  also,  two  ministries  were  mentioned;  Ministry  of  material  things  and ministry of spiritual things. The both ministries are important, as a neglect of any of them can cause a commotion in the church. Romans 12:4-8; Philippians 3:18-19; 1 Corinthians 12:28.
  3. “The word”, in the text, refers to the work of God, as God operates through His word. It is important to note that “The word of God” occurs three times in the Old Testament, another word used to refer to “the word” is  “Logos” translated as “word referring to utterance". Some benefits of the word include the following:
  4. The Word of God is a light that illuminates us in darkness.
  5. The Word gives life.
  6. It brings healing.
  7. It brings about spiritual growth i.e. it sanctifies.
  8. The ministry of the Word involves preaching, converting members and bringing them to spiritual maturity.
  9. When you are in the presence of God, the Holy Spirit will bring out gifts in you that you never knew existed. Also, when the Spirit of God flows in you, you are there to minister at any time. Discussing prayer, she stated that, it is a vital part of our Christian life. She described it as the engine room for the work of God. Before Christ did anything, He prayed - Matthew 6:1. If the church of God isn’t praying, the work of God cannot go on. Using Christ as an example, she stated that before He went to the cross, He conquered Satan on his knees. Major points on prayer include;
  10. Giving and praying should be part of our life.
  11. It is the word of God that will teach us what to pray
  12. You cannot achieve anything without prayer.
  13. It is the word of God that gives us the prayer language.

Finally she adjured us to understand that when we pray and receive anything from God, we must acknowledge that it is a gift and not a reward. She also advised that, just like Stephen did not wait to be pushed or to be given a position to serve God, we must go out to serve God and desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

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