*/ Give Me This Mountain: September 2016 Healing Service



Give Me This Mountain: September 2016 Healing Service Featured

27 Sep 2016
2640 times

Describing service this month might be a bit difficult because it was unique in its own way  such that even those who were in service lacked words to properly explain how they felt. It was like a well prepared three course meal with desserts and appetizers duly served; In fact we can describe it thus “...HE prepared a table before us…” It was indeed a blessed table. The anniversary celebration in combo with the monthly healing service was awesome. We had a perfect blend of traditional old school songs expertly delivered by the Jubilee Voices. These songs appealed not only to the older generation but was appreciated by the younger generation. Their ministration in songs took the older generation down memory lane as they reminisced on God’s faithfulness at the inception of the Ministry while it also stirred the hearts of the younger generation for the task ahead.

In commemoration with the 44th Anniversary celebration, testimonies of God’s faithfulness upon the Ministry were heard, specifically how the Ministry had impacted the lives of her brethren. Amongst others, we heard the testimony of Bro. Otense Okon who was bound by the spirit of drunkenness and fornication. He was also known for heavy smoking and fighting with dangerous weapons. But God led him to a branch of the Ministry where he heard the word and was convicted of his sins. Another striking one was the testimony of Bro. Monday who was the head of a major cult group in the State but was miraculously delivered through the preaching of a Pastor in the Ministry. He narrated how he terrorized the community where he dwelt and even conscripted members of that community into the cult group (See website for a detailed account). 

God’s word was brought to us by the International Director, Pst. Isaac Olori. “Give me this mountain” (Joshua 14: 6 - 13). While describing a mountain, he made it clear that some mountains can be a barrier to us nevertheless anything put on a mountain is solid and can withstand difficult situations. Also, a man who is on a mountain is set high above others and would see farther than one who is on a plain ground or valley. He was keen to point out that, whereas the valley and plain ground are always on the receiving end, the mountain usually gives out – it is what flows out from the mountain that reaches the valley and plain ground.

From his analysis, Caleb understood that God’s inheritance for him was the mountain and he went for it not minding the challenge, hence we must realize that, in difficult times as this, it is impossible to serve God with ease but we must stir up our spirit to take up challenges. It is important to note also that even though it took 45 years for God’s promise to be fulfilled in Caleb’s life, he did not lose hope. This shows that time cannot invalidate God’s word.

In receiving this promise, Caleb exhibited these seven attributes;

  1. He knew what God said about him (Verse 6). Even though the mountain was owned by giants he chose to believe God’s word.
  2. He wholly followed the Lord (Verse 7, 8): As he totally followed the Lord, he possessed another Spirit.
  3. He relied on God’s faithfulness (Verse 10)
  4. He was strong for war: Despite his age Caleb was strong because he enjoyed health as God promised in Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 7:15, Proverbs 4:20,22. Caleb was spiritually strong because he had a healthy relationship with God.
  5. He was a man of faith and courage.
  6. He depended on the power of God’s presence: We must depend on God in this challenging times (Zechariah 4:6).
  7. He obtained a blessing (Verse 13). Blessing means supernatural aid/ability as well as a divine empowerment. Caleb did not consider the fact that he might have been in the same age grade or older than Joshua, who was the leader of the Israelites at the time, rather he submitted himself to his leadership and received a blessing of him.

In conclusion, it is expedient we know that our Christian life should make us work and not remain at ease. We should, as well, seek out our responsibility in fulfilling the vision of GEWC. 

Once again, we give thanks to God Almighty who has kept us for 44 years.

Next Healing service holds October 23rd, 2016. Join us live via our livestream channel or audio link .

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