*/ Miraculously healed from Affliction- Brother Godspower Harry



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Miraculously healed from Affliction- Brother Godspower Harry

02 Aug 2016
2337 times

My name is Brother Godspower Harry from Port Harcourt, Nigeria. I have been hearing of the Church, Greater Evangelism World Crusade, since I was a child but had no interest in being a part of the Ministry or any other church. However, after my experience, I now believe God has a plan for my life. My experience was an eye opener to the antiques of the wicked and I share it to the glory of God.

In the month of May, I rented an apartment in Borikiri, Port Harcourt but was hindered from moving in, as the old tenants refused to vacate the residence. After several pleas on my part and refusal on theirs, I decided to forcefully evict them. This was with intense confrontation on their part, as one of the brothers threatened me saying I will have no peace as I stay in that apartment since they left unhappily. This statement got to me and I hit him twice with my hands. This action was followed by a threat that I would see what would happen to me. I took this threat casually since I believed nothing of those sort.

Two days later, I woke up at about 2:00am to use the convenience and found out, I could not move my right hand and left leg. My situation got worse as the day went by, and I sought help from various sources. This included both traditional and orthodox means. Some gave me traditional oil called “Ojuku Oil”, others anointed oil, some Pastors even insisted I payed money before attending to me, one even told me not to sleep in that house again yet my situation only grew worse. I went to several places seeking help, until a friend of mine attending GEWC, advised me to stop moving from place to place seeking solution, and then brought me to the resident Pastor of GEWC, Club Road Branch Port Harcourt, the branch I now attend.

This Pastor counseled and prayed with me. He told me the dangers of not being born again and I wept sore remembering what I had done in my past. He prayed with me and God miraculously healed me; the hand which had swollen began to reduce. Also, I began to sleep peacefully in my house after he prayed for the apartment and dedicated my family and I to God. He however instructed me to ensure that I am always in right standing with God because the enemy will strike again.

The enemy did strike again, and this time, it was worse than the first. I realized I could no longer excrete. Even when I did, it could be measured by a single teaspoon. The discomfort I felt was unbearable. I was referred to a medical centre where I was told that a catheter will be passed through my organs to aid excretion. I hated this idea, since I felt it was for the aged. For weeks I wept about my condition, and decided to call this my friend who had taken me to GEWC. He was more than a brother to me, he supported me through this phase, financially and otherwise, as I had to stop work because of my condition. During one of his visits, he called his Pastor who prayed for me over the phone, and when the minister was done, he also prayed with me and I vomited profusely. He told me to prepare, as he would take me for the Central Healing Service that Sunday, June 19, 2016 holding at the World headquarters located in Rukpokwu. I was hesitant because the doctors had placed me on an hourly injection and my condition made me visit the rest room almost every second, which was quite embarrassing, so I did not want to disgrace myself in church. Despite the situation, he was persistent and even decided to accompany me to take my medication before heading to the Church that Sunday, and he did. 

Immediately we got to the temple, the first miracle that took place was this; for the period I sat in church, I did not feel like using the rest room, as I was calm like never before. Then after the message by God’s servant, Pastor Isaac Olori, an altar call was made for those who wanted to surrender their lives to Christ. I came and surrendered my life to Christ. There, before the altar, I wept sore, remembering all my sins and then asked God to forgive me.

Thereafter, it was time for the healing prayers and we all were asked to come out.  All I wanted was to get to the front of the altar but before I could make my way to the altar, the place was filled. God’s servant asked us to pray for ourselves while he concluded the prayers. As he rounded off his prayers, immediately we all shouted the last Amen, my stomach churned and I immediately felt the need to use the rest room. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to locate the convenience, when I inquired of its location I realized it was too far. I found a spot and passed out urine freely like never before. When I gained a bit of control, I walked to the convenience and passed out faeces freely to my amazement and till date, I excrete as a normal person. 

Indeed it was God who delivered me and I give all glory to Him.

Read his complete testimony in the next edition of Living Testimonies.



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